Audio AI: How AI Is Changing Podcasts, Audiobooks & More

Audio AI: How AI Is Changing Podcasts, Audiobooks & More

Welcome to Creator Columns, where we bring expert HubSpot Creator voices to the Blogs that inspire and help you grow better. We are undeniably in the golden age of audio content. But what’s even more interesting is that we’re also in the early days of AI-generated audio content. AI-generated podcasts, AI-transcribed audiobooks, and AI-generated music … Read more

Google Answers If Changing Web Hosting Affects SEO

Does changing web hosting affect seo?

Google’s Gary Illyes answered if switching web hosting platforms could result in a negative outcome for rankings and SEO. It’s a reasonable question because migrating a site to a new web host involves multiple technical factors that can go wrong and have an immediately negative effect. What Does Changing A Website Host Entail? Changing web … Read more

Wheels Of Retail: How Mobile Pop-Up Shops Are Changing The Game

Engaging Brand Experiences

The retail industry has transformed with the rise of pop-up shops, which bring an innovative approach for businesses to connect with their customers. These temporary mobile setups are revolutionizing the game by offering flexibility, convenience, and an exhilarating shopping experience. As you continue reading and exploring this post, we will discuss how pop-up shops are … Read more

Changing URLs On Larger Sites Takes Time To Process

Changing URLs On Larger Sites Takes Time To Process

Someone on Reddit asked a question about making a sitewide change to the code related to a website with ten languages. Google’s John Mueller offered general advice about the pitfalls of sitewide changes and word about complexity (implying the value of simplicity). The question was related to hreflang but Mueller’s answer, because it was general … Read more

The Future Of Payment: How Bitcoin Is Changing The Game

The Future Of Payment: How Bitcoin Is Changing The Game

Consumer payments are constantly evolving, and people are quick to adapt. This evolution is set to create new opportunities in the next five years. The gold standard, where gold was the backing for federal reserves, ended in 1971. It resulted from a joint resolution by FDR, which prevented foreign governments from trading their dollars for … Read more

AdSense Changing Publisher Revenue Share Structure

AdSense Changing Publisher Revenue Share Structure

Google announced that it is changing how it pays AdSense publishers, no longer paying per click and switching to exclusively paying on a per impression model. The announcement assures publishers that the amounts publishers receive should remain the same for most publishers. Google explained that these changes will go into effect in early 2024. A … Read more

The Way People Search the Web is Changing: 4 Stats Marketers & SEOs Should Know [HubSpot Data]

The Way People Search the Web is Changing: 4 Stats Marketers & SEOs Should Know [HubSpot Data]

Remember when it felt like Google was the only way you could to find information online? Those days are over. Now people are flocking to other channels, like social media, to answer their questions. Leading them are Gen Z and Millennials, as 29% of the combined group prefer to search for information on social platforms … Read more

How To Build A Future-Proofed SEO Strategy When AI Is Changing SEO

How To Build A Future-Proofed SEO Strategy When AI Is Changing SEO

It’s been a little over six months since Open AI launched ChatGPT and rang in the next age of AI. Since then: Google has introduced Search Generative Experience (or SGE), an AI-powered search beta. ChatGPT added powerful search capabilities with the Bing plugin. Google launched and improved its own AI chatbot, Bard. Everyone talks about … Read more

Character AI In Daily Life: How Virtual Personalities Are Changing the World?

Character AI In Daily Life: How Virtual Personalities Are Changing the World?

The beta Character AI is a website platform powered by Artificial Intelligence that lets you talk with virtual personalities. The best part is that you can create these virtual personalities by yourself. Character AI is an AI character generator where you get the chance to bring your imagination to life, and these characters not only … Read more

SEO & Content Marketing Trends That Are Changing In 2023

SEO & Content Marketing Trends That Are Changing In 2023

Feeling pressure to continue delivering results, despite lower budgets and bandwidth in 2023? Wouldn’t it be faster to know what’s working and what’s not, so you can craft a strategy with less cost for experimentation and more results? It can be challenging to know which marketing channels to prioritize for maximum ROI. So, if you’re … Read more

How Video Consumption is Changing in 2023 [New Research]

How Video Consumption is Changing in 2023 [New Research]

Video is more important to consumers now than ever before. Our annual State of Video Marketing survey with Wyzowl shows that 91% of businesses use video as a marketing tool, more than any of the previous years since the surveys started. While video isn’t going anywhere, it’s constantly expanding, changing, and evolving to fit consumer … Read more

How B2B Sales is Changing Through Virtual Engagement – Q&A

Virtual b2b sales graphic computer and tables

Joshua Smith is the founder and chief technology officer of Kaon Interactive. Kaon is a B2B interactive sales and marketing solution that helps the world’s most visionary B2B companies increase sales effectiveness. They’ve worked with customers like Siemens, Netscape, Dell, and Ricoh to improve B2B sales through virtual experiences. As a founder, Joshua has directed … Read more

Bingbot User Agent is Changing

Bingbot User Agent is Changing

Bing announced that it is changing the user agent string that identifies itself as Bingbot. Now there will be two user agents, one for desktop and another for the mobile crawler. The new user agent provides more information, including the latest version of Edge. User Agents A user agent is a message from a software … Read more

Google Search Trends Show How Customer Expectations Are Changing

Google Search Trends Show How Customer Expectations Are Changing

A new report from Google contains data on how customer expectations are changing, and reveals what people want from businesses this year. Based on a comparison of search volume from 2021 to 2022, trends indicate that customers want things both sooner and later. If customers are out shopping in person then they want the ability … Read more

Google On The SEO Impact Of Changing Website Hosting Location

Google On The SEO Impact Of Changing Website Hosting Location

Google addresses whether the changing your website hosting provider to one in a new location can impact SEO and search rankings. This topic is addressed in the latest installment of the Ask Googlebot video series on YouTube. The following question is submitted to Google’s Search Advocate John Mueller: “Does migrating a website hosting location affect … Read more

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