How To Increase Conversions With This 6-Step Customer Journey Analysis

How To Increase Conversions With This 6-Step Customer Journey Analysis

This post was sponsored by DAC Group. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own. To create websites and marketing campaigns that will increase conversions, you must understand what your customers need and when they need it. What inspires a prospect to connect with you or buy your product from start to finish? … Read more

Do More with Less: Navigating Customer Acquisition Challenges for Today’s Enterprises

Mastering Digital Acquisition: Efficient Strategies for Enterprise-Level Success

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses face unique challenges in acquiring customers and expanding their digital footprint. From limited resources and intense competition to lack of insights, navigating this terrain requires innovative acquisition strategies. Watch on-demand as we delve into a two-pronged strategy of driving campaign efficiencies while laying the foundation for long-term success. … Read more

Customer Experience – The Selling Styles B2B Buyers Prefer Most

Customer Experience - The Selling Styles B2B Buyers Prefer Most

Which sales approaches resonate most with B2B buyers? How important is it for B2B buyers that salespeople show an understanding of their business and personalize pitches? To find out, Amplyfi surveyed 500 B2B buyers in the United Kingdom who work for tech and financial services enterprises with at least 250 employees. Respondents say the styles … Read more

9 Chatbot builders to enhance your customer support

9 Chatbot builders to enhance your customer support

Chatbots are strategic assets that enhance your customer care and marketing strategies. The technology has come a long way from being simply rules-based to offering features like artificial intelligence (AI) enabled automation and personalized interaction. Integrating chatbots can transform your customer relations by automating responses to common queries and collecting feedback, freeing your team to … Read more

Lessons from Unreasonable Hospitality: A Favorite Read From Our Customer Advocacy Team

Lessons from Unreasonable Hospitality: A Favorite Read From Our Customer Advocacy Team

Books have a way of changing our perspective and bringing new lenses to life and different mindsets to mind — which is why we recently kicked off a quarterly book club within our Customer Advocacy Team at Buffer. Late last year, Åsa Nyström, our VP of Customer Advocacy, introduced us to the book Unreasonable Hospitality: … Read more

The Impact Of User Experience On Customer Acquisition In SaaS B2B

The Impact Of User Experience On Customer Acquisition In SaaS B2B

Competitive markets are required to heavily depend on companies that are constantly acquiring and retaining customers. While traditional factors like product features, pricing, and marketing strategies play crucial roles, the significance of user experience (UX) cannot be overstated, being a huge part of this customer traction. It encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with … Read more

Customer Value: How to Calculate CLV

Customer Value: How to Calculate CLV

Listen NEW! Listen to article Sign in or sign up to access this audio feature! No worries … it’s FREE! Your key metrics—or key performance indicators (KPIs)—are there to tell you how well you’re meeting your customers’ expectations and gaining conversions. One of the most important metrics to measure is customer lifetime value (CLV). What … Read more

Customer retention strategies for 2024

Customer retention strategies for 2024

Social media and customer retention are intrinsically linked because social has become a key player in the entire customer journey. The average buyer’s journey is becoming more dynamic, and social customer care is a way to capture your audience’s attention when the competition is fiercer than ever. There’s no denying that customer retention should be … Read more

Five-Star Formula: Practical Tips For Improving Customer Reviews

Five-Star Formula: Practical Tips For Improving Customer Reviews Customer reviews are the lifeblood of any business, serving as a powerful testament to the quality of the products and services offered. Potential customers often rely on the experiences of others before making a purchase decision. Understanding and implementing strategies can significantly impact your online reputation as … Read more

How CRM Platforms Are Shaping The Future Of Customer Engagement

Customer Engagement

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms are revolutionizing the business world, redefining how companies interact with their customers. In an era where customer experience is paramount, these platforms provide businesses with the tools they need to build meaningful, long-lasting relationships.  This article will explore:  What is CRM? The Evolution of CRM CRM and Customer Engagement: A … Read more

Why Trinny Woodall Still Replies to Customer DMs

Trinny woodall foundr

When Foundr CEO Nathan Chan first spoke with Trinny Woodall about launching her beauty brand, Trinny London, he asked why she started with so many products. The answer was simple. “We’re in makeup, darling.” Woodall is confident, direct, ambitious, and fabulous before fabulous was cool. She knows what she’s doing because she knows her customers. … Read more

Social media customer service statistics to know in 2024

Social media customer service statistics to know in 2024

What does it mean to have exceptional customer service? Automated phone systems? Chatbots? Help guides? These ease your customer support teams’ workload, but they don’t always cater to the needs of your customers—especially if they have a unique or urgent issue. When they’re facing a problem, customers don’t want to click through a series of … Read more

How AI Can Improve Your Customer Experience [New Data + Tips]

How AI Can Improve Your Customer Experience [New Data + Tips]

62% of business leaders across industries have invested in AI to help their employees. Of those, 71% have seen a positive ROI, and 72% report increased employee productivity. But how does AI stack up when it comes to customer experience specifically? Keep reading to learn how to leverage AI-driven customer experiences — and why you … Read more

Field tested tips for aligning customer service and marketing

Field tested tips for aligning customer service and marketing

If a business is an orchestra, then every department is its own instrument. When teams work in isolation, the result is simply noise. However, when everyone unites around shared goals, beautiful music is made. And there’s no sweeter harmony than what’s created through collaboration between customer service and marketing. Looking for proof? Look no further … Read more

Customer Generation: Experts Reveal Paid Media Strategies For SaaS Success

Customer Generation: Experts Reveal Paid Media Strategies For SaaS Success

Growing your customer base without draining your budget can be tough, especially in today’s dynamic market. With constant search engine updates and ever-evolving user behaviors, how do you drive revenue for your business while keeping your customer acquisition costs low? How do you know where to focus your ad spend for maximum ROI? If you’re … Read more

How To Find The Best SEO Keywords That Win The Customer Over (& Why It’s Important)

How To Find The Best SEO Keywords That Win The Customer Over (& Why It’s Important)

Step 1. Fully Understand The User’s Search Intent It’s easy to just take whatever keywords you like from a keyword research tool and put them onto your site. But if you suspect that that strategy is a bad idea, you are correct. Finding the right keywords requires planning. The key is to put some thought … Read more

Customer Scoring For Agencies: How To SQL Your PPC Customers

Customer Scoring For Agencies: How To SQL Your PPC Customers

There are two very big considerations when taking on a new PPC client: Will you make money by helping this client, and will you enjoy working with them? Both of these questions factor into SQLing (sales qualified lead-ing) a prospective client. Yet they should be asked of existing clients, too. Scope creep (being asked to … Read more

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