Certified Partner Interview – Uzair Kharawala of SF Digital Studios [VIDEO]

Uzair Kharawala Uzair Kharawala is one of the few professionals who is both a Google Partner & YouTube Certified. His YouTube channel has over 20,000 subscribers & 1300+ videos. Uzair has been running SF Digital Studios along with his wife Farzana since 2002. Using the power of video marketing & video ads, Uzair has reached … Read more

Reasons to Choose a Career in Digital Marketing

Career in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing involves using digital channels, including websites, social media, search engines, and mobile devices, to market products and services to potential customers. You’ll use these channels to create brand awareness and generate leads as a digital marketer. An excellent digital marketer should prioritize digital marketing skills, including brand building, competitive research, social media advertising, … Read more

8 Machine Learning Examples From Brands To Inspire Digital Marketers

8 Machine Learning Examples From Brands To Inspire Digital Marketers

Machine learning is all the rage but what does it actually look like in practice, as part of a digital marketing strategy? You’ve encountered a machine learning strategy if you’ve used a website that recommends products based on previous purchases. Machine learning is a facet of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses algorithms to complete specific … Read more

How Data Is Reshaping The SEO & Digital Marketer’s Landscape

How Data Is Reshaping The SEO & Digital Marketer's Landscape

There is a new data revolution happening, and it’s sweeping across the industry so quickly that many SEO and digital marketers are struggling to make sense of the insights and intelligence at their disposal. To utilize this opportunity, marketers need to evolve their mindsets and use technology to analyze multiple data formats and understand the … Read more

Google’s Digital Marketing Certificate Recommends Keyword Density Percentages

Google's Digital Marketing Certificate Recommends Keyword Density Percentages

Someone from the SEO community called attention to a section in Google’s new digital marketing training course that recommends writing at least 300 words of content, advised specific areas of a web page for seeding keywords and recommended a keyword density for target keywords of under 2%. Some in the digital marketing community called Google … Read more

Digital Marketing Data and How to Optimize Like a Champ

There’s so much data, from so many different sources, with so many different reporting tools, that you could just drown in reports, attribution, and meetings. With so much noise out there, it’s important that you look at the data in a certain way. There’s important information hidden in the metrics that will help direct your … Read more

Trending in Marketing: Getting More Comfortable in the Digital World

Instagram is testing out some new ways to move on from vanity metrics. The social media platform is now beta testing Private Story Likes. How the brand Gymshark became an overnight sensation by leveraging Influencer Marketing, and why you should do the same. The future of Affiliate Marketing and how it will change in 2022. … Read more

Businesses Now KNOW They Need Digital Marketing [VIDEO]

“In a “post-digital” world you need to consider e-commerce and here’s why.” WHAT IS DIGITALMARKETER: DigitalMarketer is the premier online community for digital marketing professionals. It’s a place where you can learn how to market like a pro, connect with industry experts, and get the strategies and tools you need to grow and scale your … Read more

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