Google’s AI Overviews Shake Up Ecommerce Search Visibility

Google's AI Overviews Shake Up Ecommerce Search Visibility

An analysis of 25,000 ecommerce queries by Bartosz Góralewicz, founder of Onely, reveals the impact of Google’s AI overviews on search visibility for online retailers. The study found that 16% of eCommerce queries now return an AI overview in search results, accounting for 13% of total search volume in this sector. Notably, 80% of the … Read more

His Ecommerce Funnel Generated $70M Last Year

Ezra firestone ecommerce funnel

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Ezra Firestone, a man who is certainly no stranger to the world of successful ecommerce start-ups. Ezra Firestone’s businesses generated $70M in revenue last year, but he says he’s just “some guy.” I’ve pulled out some of my absolute favorite gems from our conversation and lessons … Read more

Elevate Your Furniture eCommerce Game: A Visual Merchandising Checklist

Elevate Your Furniture eCommerce Game: A Visual Merchandising Checklist

In the dynamic world of eCommerce, where the virtual shelves are stocked high with furniture In the dynamic world of eCommerce, where the virtual shelves are stocked high with furniture options galore, visual merchandising serves as your digital storefront—a gateway to enticing customers, sealing the deal, and leaving a lasting impression. As passionate furniture entrepreneurs, … Read more

Advanced Methods To Increase Organic Traffic For E-Commerce Sites In 2024

Advanced Methods To Increase Organic Traffic For E-Commerce Sites In 2024

In the age of almost endless digital opportunities, where e-commerce platforms are immersed in a never-ending struggle for consumer attention, being noticed in the crowd became the number one priority. By the time we are in the year 2024, it is clear that the methods that are truly effective in driving organic traffic to your … Read more

50 Ecommerce Statistics To Know in 2024 [New Data]

50 Ecommerce Statistics To Know in 2024 [New Data]

Ecommerce is businesses selling products online, and people buying those products online. Consumers and businesses alike are making more and more purchases online, and that’s only expected to increase, especially so on social media. Below I’ve compiled a list of ecommerce statistics that will help you understand the potential impact of using the practice, as … Read more

What is “Social Proof” and How Does it Impact Conversion Rates in E-commerce?

What is “Social Proof” and How Does it Impact Conversion Rates in E-commerce?

Social proof is one of the most powerful marketing tools on the planet. It’s also one that so many small businesses completely miss. So, what is social proof, and how does it impact conversion rates in eCommerce? Those are the questions that we’re going to address. What Exactly is Social Proof? Social proof is a … Read more

Diving Deep Into Technical SEO for Ecommerce (My Takeaways)

Diving Deep Into Technical SEO for Ecommerce (My Takeaways)

As of 2023, there are over 26.5 million ecommerce websites around the world. Talk about a competitive industry. It’s hard not to be intimidated by the sheer number of ecommerce sites shoppers have to choose from, especially since I’m in the process of launching my own ecommerce business — a vintage home goods store. The … Read more

How To Begin Your E-commerce Business Through Facebook Market Place

How To Begin Your E-commerce Business Through Facebook Market Place

Facebook Market place – a colorful online stage where businesses prosper and consumers acquire what they seek! If you are contemplating how to start your own e-commerce business, then look no further than this extensive guide.  We have lots of active users and a Facebook Market place. Therefore, connecting to the extensive Facebook network and … Read more

BigCommerce vs Shopify: Which Platform Is Better for Ecommerce Beginners?

Bigcommerce vs shopify

Visionary leaders are a special breed. You have undoubtedly faced untold challenges in your career, yet you continue to excel. Why? Because that’s what visionaries do. Given this “pressure leads to elevation” principle, it stands to reason that the same can happen if we pit 2 ecommerce platforms against each other. In this case, we’ll … Read more

How to Find Trending Products from a 5x Ecommerce Founder

Find trending products

Success in ecommerce isn’t easy. I’ve had high highs and the lowest of lows. But after more than a decade in this industry, I learned it’s possible to be successful, so long as you have three elements nailed down. Marketing expertise and passion. A drive to become successful through consistent practice. Identifying trending products at … Read more

These Evergreen Products Can Stop Your Ecommerce Sales Roller Coaster

Evergreen products

When it comes to planning products you want to sell as part of your ecommerce brand, one of the top priorities alongside manufacturing and ease of access is the product’s demand consistency. It takes time and effort to get a product launched, so the last thing you need is to spend hours sourcing and marketing … Read more

How My E-commerce Company Has Used Personalization to Build an Email Marketing Channel With a 55 Percent Open Rate

How My E-commerce Company Has Used Personalization to Build an Email Marketing Channel With a 55 Percent Open Rate

From the moment I started my company, Motif Skincare, I knew I was entering a crowded market with high customer acquisition costs. It would be challenging to compete with influencers and larger brands when it comes to fueling new customer discovery. As such, the primary goal was to create products that truly made a difference … Read more

10 Proven Strategies To Boost Conversion Rates In Your E-Commerce Store

Conversion Rates

Are you familiar with or have you ever joined affiliate marketing programs? If yes, an e-commerce online shop is an excellent place for selling goods and earning a commission from the merchant. However, as an e-commerce store owner, you may have to deal with low conversion rates. After reading our article, you will raise website … Read more

How to Write an Ecommerce Business Plan [Examples & Template]

How to Write an Ecommerce Business Plan [Examples & Template]

If you have a promising idea for an online e-commerce business, it’s important to create an e-commerce business plan to ensure your vision has enough stock to be profitable. Having a business plan for your online store will help you define your target market, establish your monthly and quarterly sales goals, and increase the likelihood … Read more

How To Succeed At Launching A New E-Commerce Product Line

How To Succeed At Launching A New E-Commerce Product Line

First impressions matter, especially in a niche where e-commerce websites are competing closely for the attention of online buyers. That’s something you’ll want to remember if you’re setting up the stage for the release of a new product line. Every new lineup that you launch presents you with an opportunity to reintroduce your customers to … Read more

Podcast Power Play: Mastering Ecommerce Marketing Strategies For Explosive Growth


Are you ready to take your ecommerce business to the next level? Look no further than the power of podcasts. In today’s digital age, podcasts have become one of the most popular platforms for businesses to connect with their audience and drive sales. In this blog post, we’ll dive into ecommerce marketing strategies and how … Read more

Mobile E-commerce Trends: Adapting Small Businesses For Smartphones

Mobile E-commerce

Consumer buying behavior has undergone significant changes over the years, and mobile e-commerce will continue to flourish in the future. Mobile commerce currently controls 73% of the global e-commerce market share, a significant increase from the 59% observed back in 2017. In the last six months alone, 79% of mobile users have made online purchases … Read more

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