Getting Your Customers Back: 10 Examples of Effective Re-Engagement Emails

Getting Your Customers Back: 10 Examples of Effective Re-Engagement Emails

I’ve been breathing life into email campaigns since 2007 when the iPhone was the newest thing on the block. Even though the learning resources for email marketers have evolved since then, I still have countless re-engagement email examples in my inbox which don’t prompt me to, well, re-engage. While getting ignored by your subscribers is … Read more

How to Write an Effective Communication Plan [+ Template]

How to Write an Effective Communication Plan [+ Template]

Guess what’s common among the top organizations like Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon? An effective communication plan. Be it the content strategy, a product launch, a campaign announcement, or a customer escalation, a robust communication strategy holds every part of your organization firmly. A survey by The State of Business Communication revealed that 72% of business … Read more

How to Create an Effective Facebook Ads Strategy in 2024

How to Create an Effective Facebook Ads Strategy in 2024

Facebook is a dominant force in social media advertising. Most marketers say it consistently delivers a better ROI than any other social media platform. As a chief content curator, I’ve created many Facebook ads, and I can attest to this. The platform’s sophisticated targeting options make it an incredibly effective tool for reaching my audience. … Read more

How to Use AI For a More Effective Social Media Strategy, According to Ross Simmonds

How to Use AI For a More Effective Social Media Strategy, According to Ross Simmonds

Welcome to Creator Columns, where we bring expert HubSpot Creator voices to the Blogs that inspire and help you grow better. It’s the age of AI, and our job as marketers is to keep up. My team at Foundation Marketing recently conducted an AI Marketing study surveying hundreds of marketers, and more than 84% of … Read more

24 Effective Link Building Tactics That Work In 2024

24 Effective Link Building Tactics That Work In 2024

1. Check Your Direct Competitors’ Backlinks Since link building helps your site rank higher, we can assume that the highest-ranking sites on SERPs have lots of good backlinks. The same is true for your competitors who rank higher than you. And if there are a lot of authoritative sites linking to them, wouldn’t it be … Read more

Local SEO Strategies For Small Businesses: Effective Techniques For Visibility Boost

Local SEO Strategies For Small Businesses: Effective Techniques For Visibility Boost

Being in the middle of a competitive business market, dealing with small businesses requires local SEO strategies to implement. It can be a cost-effective solution to hinder the risks of small businesses. From increasing business visibility to attracting more customers, you will always need to find out the best ideas and opportunities in the market, … Read more

How To Ensure Driver Safety And Compliance With Effective Fleet Management

How To Ensure Driver Safety And Compliance With Effective Fleet Management

Fleet driver safety is a crucial concern for fleet managers. Therefore, implementing a comprehensive program is essential for safe and efficient operations.  Moreover, establishing and enforcing safety rules and procedures can help reduce accident risks, ensuring federal regulation compliance. With 80% of business drivers using their phones while driving, road safety must be a priority … Read more

Seeking Help From Social Media For An Effective Thesis

Seeking Help From Social Media For An Effective Thesis

Thesis writing usually appears to be a solitary work against the world, you, and a thousand sources. However, this no longer needs to be true in the digital age. Social media platforms are full of information accessible with a simple click of a finger, and they help you reach out to people from different perspectives, … Read more

Effective SEO Management Structures For Multilingual And Multinational Websites

Effective SEO Management Structures For Multilingual And Multinational Websites

In my last article, I went into detail about the many challenges encountered by search teams working on multilingual websites. Now, I will offer suggestions for management structures between multilingual teams. These practices can help achieve greater collaboration and success. Fostering Collaboration If there is no or little collaboration today, an easy first step is … Read more

Crafting Effective Talent Acquisition Teams For Optimal Recruitment

Talent Acquisition Team Structure

Undoubtedly, the key to organizational success lies not only in its products or services but also in the talent it attracts and retains. An efficient and robust talent acquisition services stand as a pivotal pillar in this pursuit. This strategic framework governs how organizations identify, engage, and onboard top-notch talent. The evolution of this structure … Read more

How to Craft an Effective Email Marketing Strategy – Litmus


Email marketers don’t wear many hats—they wear them all. We asked email marketers what they’re responsible for in this year’s State of Email Workflows report, and out of a list of eleven options from design to development to deliverability, 22% said they handle ‘all of the above.’  When nearly a quarter of all email marketers … Read more

How to Write a Simple, Effective Resume (+20 Examples)

How to Write a Simple, Effective Resume (+20 Examples)

A great resume can help get you noticed by prospective employers. But what makes a resume “great”? How do you catch recruiters’ attention, encourage them to read your resume, and ultimately call you for an interview? Two words: Simple and effective. In this piece, we’ll offer a step-by-step guide to writing a simple, effective resume. … Read more

Winning Back Abandoned Carts: Effective Techniques for Cart Recovery

A solitary abandoned cart might seem inconsequential in the bustling digital bazaar that is the eCommerce of today. Yet, when looked at collectively, these unclaimed carts represent a staggering amount of potential revenue slipping away.  What causes a customer, eager to purchase, to suddenly change course? The list of reasons might be endless, but the … Read more

Retention, Referral, and Revenue: How to Create an Effective SaaS Marketing Plan

Retention, Referral, and Revenue: How to Create an Effective SaaS Marketing Plan

Marketing plans provide a framework to funnel customers from awareness to decision to purchase. When it comes to software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings, these plans must account for the recurring nature of SaaS solutions. There’s a special focus on retention and referral over purchase and loyalty. Here’s what you need to know about SaaS marketing plans, what … Read more

Effective Website Redesigns: How To Avoid Costly Mistakes [Podcast]

Effective Website Redesigns: How To Avoid Costly Mistakes [Podcast]

An Interview With Janet Mesh of Aimtal Website redesigns are a necessary component for marketers. But with so many elements going into an effective redesign, do you know what to focus on to develop a solid plan from the start? Join us and hear from Janet Mesh, CEO and co-founder of Aimtal, as she and … Read more

Payment Processing: How To Establish Effective Solutions For Your E-Commerce Project

Payment Processing: How To Establish Effective Solutions For Your E-Commerce Project

Every time you make or receive payments, you are essentially dealing with the concept of payment processing. Each transaction is initially processed by the system you interact with, and this process goes through several stages. After that, the funds are transferred from the agent to the counterparty. Most of these mechanisms remain behind the scenes … Read more

Exploring Innovative Content Formats For Effective Marketing Beyond Blogs

Exploring Innovative Content Formats For Effective Marketing Beyond Blogs

Achieving a top position on the search engine results pages is more competitive and challenging than ever before. To break your way through the clutter of similar content, Google must deem your content the most relevant of the bunch. Gone are the days of haphazard content creation. To excel in today’s evolving digital landscape, content … Read more

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