The Most Popular Email Design Tools: Figma, Adobe, and More – Litmus

Kayla Voigt

It takes an email marketing team an average of 2 weeks to produce a single email. That’s two weeks of tinkering with email copy, email design, and email coding before it’s ready for approvals, testing, and finally, sending it out to the world. And at any given time, 46% of email marketers have up to … Read more

Email Analytics: How to Measure Email Marketing Success Beyond Open Rate – Litmus

Kayla Voigt

Email analytics used to focus on open rate as the gateway to email marketing success. After all, you can’t get a conversion without someone first opening your email. If we’re being honest, though, email open rates have always been a bit of a vanity metric. (Yup, we said the quiet part out loud.) What makes … Read more

Make Every Subscriber a Winner: How to Use Email Scratch-Offs – Litmus

Kimberly Huang

On average, subscribers only spend 8.97 seconds with an email. In the fast-paced realm of digital marketing, standing out amidst the clutter of promotional emails is no small feat.  That’s why we’re thrilled to welcome the newest quick-start template on the Litmus Personalize block: Scratch-Offs! With just a few clicks, you can bring a sense … Read more

How to Whitelist an Email in Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, and More

How to Whitelist an Email in Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, and More

Imagine waiting for an important email, never receiving it, and then discovering it in your junk folder months later. It’s probably happened to you, and I know it’s happened to me. I had to contact my IT team, who taught me how to whitelist an email address. Whitelisting emails is a helpful tech skill. I … Read more

Email Marketing Consulting: Strategies for Building Stronger Subscriber Relationships

Email Marketing Consulting: Strategies for Building Stronger Subscriber Relationships

Building rapport with your email subscribers plays a huge role in email marketing. Engaging with your audience and delivering quality content can boost brand loyalty and enhance conversion rates. This article will delve into strategies for consulting on email marketing that can assist you in fostering relationships with your subscribers. 1. Tailor Content to Suit … Read more

16 Ways to Integrate Social Media with Email in Marketing – Litmus

Kimberly Huang

Social media and email marketing are two of the most powerful channels at a marketer’s disposal. According to The State of Email Report, both email marketing and social media were ranked among the top three most effective channels for marketers. Source: The State of Email Report While email and social media are fundamentally different channels, … Read more

15 Litmus Power-User Tips to Make You a Better Email Marketer – Litmus

Nicole Swift

If you’re using Litmus to create, optimize, personalize, and analyze your campaigns, you know that your account is full of features that let you speed up your email workflow. But do you know all the helpful Litmus tricks that can help you save time and improve your campaigns? Here are 15 Litmus power-user tips that … Read more

Boost Your Email List: 3 Easy Tactics to Expand Your Reach

Boost Your Email List: 3 Easy Tactics to Expand Your Reach

Welcome to Creator Columns, where we bring expert HubSpot Creator voices to the Blogs that inspire and help you grow better. What keeps you up at night? If one of those things is building an email list, you’re not alone, my friend. I spent years (and lost MANY thousands of dollars) procrastinating my own email … Read more

How to Use ChatGPT to Create an Email Sequence  – Litmus

How to Use ChatGPT to Create an Email Sequence  - Litmus

Remember in 2022 when ChatGPT had just launched and everyone was trying to figure out how best to use it? ChatGPT—and AI (Artificial Intelligence) for that matter—took the world by storm, affecting our personal and professional lives. Once I got past the “playing around” phase (I might’ve asked ChatGPT to write me an email marketing … Read more

New in Litmus: Drive More Engagement, Leverage Social Proof, and Monitor Email Images 24/7 – Litmus

New in Litmus: Drive More Engagement, Leverage Social Proof, and Monitor Email Images 24/7 - Litmus

Did you know 80% of customers are more likely to purchase from a brand that provides personalized experiences? Personalized experiences don’t just drive clicks—but also conversions—because you’re able to engage your subscribers in a fun way that creates memorable brand experiences in the inbox. You’re not alone in this journey towards perfectly personalized experiences. Litmus … Read more

Guide to Email File Size and Load Times – Litmus

Martyn Lee

When creating emails, we focus on building the best email for our audience. That often manifests itself in content curation before designing and creating the email. While we may agonize over subject lines, CTAs (call-to-action), and segmentation or personalization, there are some things we often forget: Email file size and email load times. And while they may have similarities, they … Read more

The Email Marketers Guide to Using List-Unsubscribe – Litmus

Steph Knapp

Saying goodbye to subscribers is hard, but sometimes it’s for the best.  And when a subscriber wants to leave, the process needs to be as easy as possible. While you should still have an unsubscribe option within your emails, there’s another tool for email marketers and subscribers: list-unsubscribe.  Let’s break down what list-unsubscribe is, why … Read more

The State of Email Marketers’ Tech Stack – Litmus

Jaina Mistry

The journey of an email from creation to sending takes hours of behind-the-scenes effort. Email marketers need to consider not only crafting, designing, and developing individual emails but also strategy, planning, operations, and deliverability—and of course, coordinating these efforts with the rest of your team. That’s why the MVP of any email marketing team is … Read more

SEO for Email: Yes, It’s a Thing! How to Make Emails Searchable in the Inbox – Litmus


There are two kinds of people: Those who chase after inbox zero and those who have 45,000 unread emails. Whether you’re always curating your incoming emails into carefully considered folders or letting it ride, chances are you have some kind of organizational system. As email geeks, we subscribe to all kinds of random emails in … Read more

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