Getting Your Customers Back: 10 Examples of Effective Re-Engagement Emails

Getting Your Customers Back: 10 Examples of Effective Re-Engagement Emails

I’ve been breathing life into email campaigns since 2007 when the iPhone was the newest thing on the block. Even though the learning resources for email marketers have evolved since then, I still have countless re-engagement email examples in my inbox which don’t prompt me to, well, re-engage. While getting ignored by your subscribers is … Read more

SEO for Email: Yes, It’s a Thing! How to Make Emails Searchable in the Inbox – Litmus


There are two kinds of people: Those who chase after inbox zero and those who have 45,000 unread emails. Whether you’re always curating your incoming emails into carefully considered folders or letting it ride, chances are you have some kind of organizational system. As email geeks, we subscribe to all kinds of random emails in … Read more

I Asked ChatGPT to Write 10 Different Marketing Internship Emails — Here's What I Got

I Asked ChatGPT to Write 10 Different Marketing Internship Emails — Here's What I Got

I’ve never been more nervous about writing a job application email than when applying for my first marketing internship. I felt like everyone could tell I had no experience and was utterly desperate for that to change.  The jitters are normal, and I’ll help make it easier today by showing you exactly how to write … Read more

How to Keep Gmail from Clipping Your Emails – Litmus


In the realm of email marketing, few things are sadder than working hard on an email and sending it out, only to see Gmail truncate your content with the dreaded “[Message clipped]” text. Gmail is the second-most popular email client, and we know that avoiding unnecessary user experience friction is important for increasing engagement with … Read more

I Asked ChatGPT to Write 3 Marketing Job Inquiry Emails — Here’s What I Got

I Asked ChatGPT to Write 3 Marketing Job Inquiry Emails — Here’s What I Got

As a full-time freelancer, I’ve sent out hundreds of job inquiry emails. While I also reply to freelance role ads, I know first-hand that you can win some of the best projects by being proactive and running outreach. In fact, that’s how I started cooperating with some of the world’s most renowned brands. Just because … Read more

I Asked ChatGPT to Write 5 Different Farewell Emails to Send to My Coworkers — Here's What I Got

I Asked ChatGPT to Write 5 Different Farewell Emails to Send to My Coworkers — Here's What I Got

Goodbyes are hard. And it’s even more challenging when you must say goodbye through email. Recently, I left my full-time teaching position to pursue a writing career. Sending a farewell email to my close colleagues, unaware of my decision to transition to a new job, was bittersweet. I preferred to say goodbye in person, but … Read more

I Asked ChatGPT to Write 5 Types of Sick Day Emails to Send to My Boss — Here's What I Got

I Asked ChatGPT to Write 5 Types of Sick Day Emails to Send to My Boss — Here's What I Got

In 2023, I decided to run a half marathon. As any long-distance runner would do, I found a training plan and set out to crush some practice miles. But you know what they say about the best-laid plans, right? My body failed me, and I fractured my hip. Which, unfortunately, resulted in me needing to … Read more

I Asked ChatGPT to Write 3 Different Marketing Job Application Emails — Here's What I Got

I Asked ChatGPT to Write 3 Different Marketing Job Application Emails — Here's What I Got

Here’s a confession: If someone asked me how I was able to land two of the most exciting full-time marketing roles in my career, my first instinct would have been to say that I was just “lucky.” A second later, though, I’d be much fairer to myself and admit that I was able to make … Read more

How To Create Inspiring Personalized Emails – Litmus


Here’s the deal: whether they’re subscribers, prospects, or loyal customers, the demand for personalization is non-negotiable. (And we’re not just talking about “Hello %%first_name%%.”) With artificial intelligence (AI) becoming increasingly prevalent, there’s a growing demand for more human-centric marketing. In fact, 64% of emails sent by companies leverage personalization using dynamic content—making it a standard … Read more

The Litmus Team’s Favorite Emails for December 2023 – Litmus


Welcome back to our monthly series where we dive into the best email campaigns that hit our inboxes in December (aka the second busiest month of the year for engagement!). What stood out? Playful animations, clever campaigns, and thoughtful timing were top of our list. Keep reading for our handpicked selection, or skip ahead to … Read more

The Best Green Monday Emails in Our Inboxes + Examples – Litmus


There are two kinds of people in the world: The ones who already have their holiday shopping checked off, cookies made, and tree lit the day after Halloween…and the ones who wait until the last possible second to get their holiday planning in order. (Hi, it’s me. I’m #2.) Like clockwork, the last few weeks … Read more

The 8 Types of Emails That Get the Most (And Least) Engagement, According to Marketers

The 8 Types of Emails That Get the Most (And Least) Engagement, According to Marketers

I send the HubSpot Marketing Emails every day, so I’m pretty familiar with the types of marketing emails marketers can leverage. However, which ones gain the most engagement and which do not? To answer that question, and to pass that knowledge on to you, we ran a survey with Glimpse, asking marketers which types of … Read more

Triggered Emails Are The Holiday Email Marketing Secret Weapon – Litmus


The holiday season is upon us, and that means email marketers are busy. It’s now or never to send holiday email campaigns that close the gap between your goals and your current numbers. This is when your subscribers go into high gear shopping and buying gifts for their friends, family, and themselves. In 2022, holiday … Read more

The Litmus Team’s Favorite Emails for October 2023 – Litmus


Welcome back to our monthly series, where team Litmus shares their favorite emails picks for the month. This October, our inboxes were filled with thoughtful feedback emails, animated GIFs, and, of course, spooky emails. Read on, or jump ahead! Reese’s Book Club Violette_FR Atlassian Nintendo Who Gives A Crap Reese’s Book Club Subject line: Spooky … Read more

How to Knock Black Friday Cyber Monday Emails Out of the Park – Litmus


Hear that sound? It’s millions of clicks from shoppers hitting that “add to cart” button this holiday season. Black Friday emails (and their Cyber Monday counterparts) campaigns are some of the most high-stakes emails you’ll design this year. If you want to hit your Q4 goals, this is the most important series of the year.  … Read more

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