We Included Every Member of This Team in their New Teammate’s Onboarding, Here’s Why

We Included Every Member of This Team in their New Teammate's Onboarding, Here’s Why

In 2021, we geared up for our first hiring push in the Customer Advocacy team  (our customer support team) for quite a while. Due to strategy and personnel changes, we would need to hire five new Advocates throughout the year, which is more than we’d hired in any year since 2016. Between hiring and other … Read more

A Year And a Half Later, Here’s How The Four Day Workweek is Going at Buffer

A Year And a Half Later, Here’s How The Four Day Workweek is Going at Buffer

When we experimented with a four-day workweek it was initially for one month. As our CEO, Joel Gascoigne, wrote about in May 2020 when we first started the experiment, “This 4-day workweek period is about well-being, mental health, and placing us as humans and our families first.” Joel’s announcement about the four-day workweek in April, … Read more

When Hiring We Screen Candidates for our Values, Here’s How and Why

When Hiring We Screen Candidates for our Values, Here's How and Why

Hiring generally comes with ebbs and flows. During one six-month stretch in 2021, a particularly busy season, I spent more than 120 working hours in six months asking more than 350 individuals the same seven questions for our Buffer values screen. At the end of each conversation, I’d turn the conversation over to them, and … Read more

Unauthorized access to some Buffer accounts has been resolved, here’s what happened

Unauthorized access to some Buffer accounts has been resolved, here’s what happened

On February 26th, our team became aware that access was obtained to a number of Buffer accounts and those accounts were used to spread support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The accounts affected did not have two factor authentication (2FA) enabled, indicating that this was likely related to reused passwords as there continues to be … Read more

Business Not Making Money? Here’s the Reason(s) Why

Business not making money piggy bank graphic

90% of startups fail. Most get through the first year or 2, but more than half of all small businesses crumble before year 5. Why? Businesses ultimately fail when they don’t make enough money. The startup either can’t afford to continue operations, or the owner quits to reclaim work-life balance and a better (more consistent) … Read more

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