Interesting Examples of Out-of-the-Box Marketing Ideas [Marketing Update]

Interesting Examples of Out-of-the-Box Marketing Ideas [Marketing Update]

This week on the Marketing Update on, Mike and Karen discussed a couple of crazy, out-of-the-box marketing campaigns. Domino’s Goes Real Time The first example came from Domino’s Pizza. Back in April 2009 on the Marketing Update, we talked about how Domino’s was taken by surprise by an unfortunate YouTube video . We’ve also … Read more

26 Company Swag Ideas Employees Will Actually Like

26 Company Swag Ideas Employees Will Actually Like

Research shows that company swag can be a highly effective tool for boosting engagement. In fact, in one recent study, 61% of survey respondents agreed that promotional products help build brand awareness, and 58% reported that they loved getting swag. That being said, through my experience as the head of marketing at two different tech … Read more

Value-Adding House Extension Ideas You’ll Find On Social Media

Value-Adding House Extension Ideas You’ll Find On Social Media

House extensions are an excellent way to add value to your property, create extra space, and give your home a new look. A popular choice for many homeowners is the addition of a single storey extension.  These extensions can bring many benefits, such as extra living space, improved natural light, and often a significant increase … Read more

12 Social media giveaway ideas and contest examples for 2024

12 Social media giveaway ideas and contest examples for 2024

Everybody loves to win prizes—especially from their favorite brands. Create a social media giveaway or contest to feed this desire while improving your social media engagement and supercharging the buzz around your brand. Giveaways and contests boost your follower count, convert leads, amplify brand awareness and increase loyalty. In this article, we take you through … Read more

How HubSpot's Blog Team Comes Up With High-Performing Post Ideas

How HubSpot's Blog Team Comes Up With High-Performing Post Ideas

When I used to work at a marketing agency, I would read expert industry blogs, such as HubSpot, Marketing Brew, and Backlinko (to name a few). One of my main questions every day was, “How do these brands do it? How do they constantly come up with brilliant blog ideas?” Today, I’m pulling the curtain … Read more

10 Ideas for Your Instagram as a B2B Company

10 Ideas for Your Instagram as a B2B Company

When you think of “brands on Instagram,” you might picture fun, direct-to-consumer companies that make workout clothes or tinned fish. Many B2B companies forgo Instagram because it relies so heavily on visuals and “personality,” which is difficult to achieve when marketing payroll or restaurant software.  So, it’s true that your restaurant management tool requires a … Read more

9 Leap Day Ideas for Your Social Media (With Examples from Real Brands + Creators)

9 Leap Day Ideas for Your Social Media on February 29 (With Examples from Real Brands + Creators)

In 2024, we’re getting a bonus day in February.  Leap Day rolls around on February 29 only once every four years, and baking it into your social media marketing plan offers a fun way to connect with your audience and customers.  In this article, I’ll walk you through nine out-of-the-box ways to celebrate Leap Day … Read more

Recession-Proof Businesses: Become downturn-immune with these ideas

Recession proof

The world feels like it’s getting crazier every day. With new layoff announcements seemingly popping up every week and AI continuing to develop at an alarmingly impressive rate, it is unsurprising that many people are predicting that a recession is just around the corner (or already here). And in times of recession and economic instability, … Read more

Business Ideas for Women Entrepreneurs in 2024

Women entrepreneurs

More women are starting their own small businesses every day. Working women continue to face unique challenges, especially as small business owners, so what are the absolute best business ideas for women? Starting with the most profitable businesses, best online business ideas, low investment business ideas, and best side hustles, we’ve curated a list of … Read more

11 LinkedIn Carousel Ideas (And Examples)

9+ Ideas for Your Next LinkedIn Carousel (+Examples)

LinkedIn carousels are a great content format for many reasons. First, the LinkedIn algorithm prioritizes this content format, probably thanks to the visual appeal and subsequent engagement. Much like Instagram carousels, they tend to be very appealing because they differentiate from the other types of content you might come across on your feed. 0:00 /0:17 … Read more

50 Fun Corporate Team-Building Activities & Outing Ideas Everyone Will Enjoy

50 Fun Corporate Team-Building Activities & Outing Ideas Everyone Will Enjoy

If you’re noticing some droopy shoulders around the office or in your Zoom meeting, it’s time to plan a team outing. It’s fun and a great way for team members to bond and get to know one another outside of the work desks and joint tasks. But how do you find ideas for a great … Read more

How to Start a YouTube Channel [Expert Tips + 30 YouTube Channel Ideas]

How to Start a YouTube Channel [Expert Tips + 30 YouTube Channel Ideas]

Starting a YouTube channel is a lot of work. Not only do you have to spend time scripting, producing, and editing videos, but you also have to find a topic you’re passionate about and ensure it resonates with people. To help inspire you, we found 30 popular YouTube categories that you can start a channel … Read more

Business Ideas for Stay-at-Home Moms: Earn Extra Money Between Naptimes

Stay at home mom working illustration

What if I told you that you could start a business from home for free and earn 10K a month passively, all within three months? All you have to do is these three things Well, you’d call me a conman. And rightly so. With the internet now riddled with more “online gurus” than ever, the … Read more

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