Improve Your Brand’s Influence and Boost Your SEO With These Tips

Improve Your Brand's Influence and Boost Your SEO With These Tips

For better or worse, brands have come to dominate Google search results, shaping the way users interact with the internet. As AI continues to evolve and search engines become more adept at understanding both the offline and online world, the influence of major brands is only going to grow.  The rise of AI-generated content and … Read more

Broadband Speeds Influence Social Media Use, Study Finds

Broadband Speeds Influence Social Media Use, Study Finds

What dictates your internet usage, specifically your time spent on social media? You’re likely to think of factors such as free time, personal interest, or maybe even employment that require you to be online a lot. However, have you ever considered how your broadband speed may influence these habits? An intriguing new study has discovered … Read more

E-E-A-T’s Google Ranking Influence Decoded

E-E-A-T's Google Ranking Influence Decoded

The idea that something is not a ranking factor that nevertheless plays a role in ranking websites seems to be logically irreconcilable. Despite seeming like a paradox that cancels itself out, SearchLiaison recently tweeted some comments that go a long way to understanding how to think about E-E-A-T and apply it to SEO. What A … Read more

Google Answers If Security Headers Offer Ranking Influence

Google Answers If Security Headers Offer Ranking Influence

A recent Google SEO Office Hours featured a question about whether a security header conferred a ranking influence. It’s not as far out a question as it first appears because a security header like the HSTS header plays an important role in assuring a secure  HTTPS connection and HTTPS is a light-weight Google ranking signal. … Read more

Google On Protecting Anchor Text Signal From Spam Site Influence

Google On Protecting Anchor Text Signal From Spam Site Influence

In a Google SEO office hours session, Google’s Duy Nguyen of the search quality team answered a question about links on spam sites and how trust has something to do with it. It was interesting how the Googler said they were protecting the anchor text signal. It’s not something that’s commonly discussed. Building trust with … Read more

The Power of Influence: Transforming Lives Through Leadership

Leadership, Vision, Purpose, and the Impact they have on both ourselves and others. Which people, or even more specifically, which characteristics come to mind when you think of the word Leadership? We all have different perspectives of what makes a great leader, and if we were to list names, there would be many types of … Read more

Where Influencers Wield the Most Influence

Where Influencers Wield the Most Influence

People in Brazil, India, and China are the most likely to say they’ve bought something because a celebrity or influencer promoted it. That’s according to a survey conducted by Statista of people ages 18-64 in eight countries: Brazil, China, Denmark, India, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. An infographic (below) summarizes findings … Read more

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