Artificial Intelligence – AI Can’t Write Thought Leadership (But It Can Do Something Else)

Artificial Intelligence - AI Can’t Write Thought Leadership (But It Can Do Something Else)

Hot take: All that content you’ve been creating? It’s not thought leadership. Or at least most of it isn’t, especially if you leave the writing to AI. In many marketers’ eyes, including many “experts,” content marketing and thought leadership are the same. But although thought leadership can be a pillar of your content strategy, it’s … Read more

Authentic Leadership — How to Lead While Staying True to Yourself

Authentic Leadership — How to Lead While Staying True to Yourself

As I started taking leadership roles in my career, I thought I had to copy the exceptional leaders I’m inspired by. Over time, I realized that authentic leadership contributes to the biggest positive impact on my teams. It turns out the key to being a great leader is learning to be yourself, just in a … Read more

Best Way to Showcase Your Leadership Skills on LinkedIn

Best Way to Showcase Your Leadership Skills on LinkedIn

Nowadays, companies don’t look for just employees. They want accountability to move the company forward. Therefore, you need to showcase your leadership skills to impress higher management.  Trust us! There is no place better than LinkedIn where you can showcase your leadership skills to gain the attention of bigger companies. You need to communicate things … Read more

Marketing Content – Developing a Content and Social Strategy to Foster Thought Leadership

Marketing Content - Developing a Content and Social Strategy to Foster Thought Leadership

Are you striving to position your organization and its leaders as thought leaders? This episode with guest Ashley Faus sheds light on how to do that very thing by using content and social media. Faus, an expert on the topic, delves into the nuances of crafting a thought leadership strategy that not only caters to … Read more

5 Concerns Marketers Have About AI & How Leadership Can Address Them [New Data + Tips]

5 Concerns Marketers Have About AI & How Leadership Can Address Them [New Data + Tips]

Though generative AI is everywhere, the fear around the state of AI is real. From our survey of 1350+ business professionals in the US, including marketers, we found that 63% of marketers not already using generative AI are not looking to start. Yet, there are vast amounts of data and use cases to support AI … Read more

How I Designed a LinkedIn Thought Leadership Content Creation System

How I Designed a LinkedIn Thought Leadership Content Creation System

I am a professional writer, took LinkedIn personal branding courses, and joined their official creators’ program – and yet, I struggled to consistently post my entrepreneurial journey of building Merrative. At Merrative, we help brands and creators publish thought leadership content formats like interview-based blogs, narratives, non-fiction books, webinars, and data stories – and LinkedIn … Read more

Leadership Advice from 8 Black-Owned Business Leaders

Leadership Advice from 8 Black-Owned Business Leaders

Welcome to Breaking the Blueprint— a blog series that dives into the unique business challenges and opportunities of underrepresented business owners and entrepreneurs. Learn how they’ve grown or scaled their businesses, explored entrepreneurial ventures within their companies, or created side hustles, and how their stories can inspire and inform your own success. Leadership is comprised … Read more

Leadership Styles: The 11 Most Common & How to Find Your Style [Quiz]

Leadership Styles: The 11 Most Common & How to Find Your Style [Quiz]

Imagine the leaders that inspire you. Each is likely unique, with a different style they use to meet goals, motivate, and animate their teams. There are many different styles of leadership, and each can have a different impact on a company. In this post, we’ll cover the most common types of leadership, how they influence … Read more

Why Quiet Quitting Happens in Marketing & How Managers Can Prevent It [Leadership Data]

Why Quiet Quitting Happens in Marketing & How Managers Can Prevent It [Leadership Data]

While many think quiet quitting is nothing more than setting healthy boundaries, others see it as a sign of poor work ethic. We could debate whether quiet quitting is good or bad forever. But, are workplaces actually taking the time to understand why it happens and how they can effectively and supportively address it? In … Read more

The Power of Influence: Transforming Lives Through Leadership

Leadership, Vision, Purpose, and the Impact they have on both ourselves and others. Which people, or even more specifically, which characteristics come to mind when you think of the word Leadership? We all have different perspectives of what makes a great leader, and if we were to list names, there would be many types of … Read more

Follow the leader: Approaching leadership with compassion

Follow the leader: Approaching leadership with compassion

Businesses and leaders have a responsibility to care for their employees. This shouldn’t be a controversial statement. Many businesses expect employees to enrich their business, but they don’t believe they owe enrichment to employees in return. From a business perspective, this type of treatment is a one way ticket to abysmal retention rates. But from … Read more

4 Reasons To Consider Taking An Executive Leadership Course

Leadership Course

In any organisation, obstacles can arise anytime and derail progress, whether minor or significant. To avoid this, leaders or managers are appointed so that these challenges (when they do occur) are responded to quickly with professionalism, intelligence, and strategy. As well as helping to prevent complications, the influence of a great leader should resonate throughout … Read more

What is Servant Leadership? Definition and Examples in Business

Servant leadership boss helping employee graphic

Has a manager ever skipped their lunch break to help you craft an email response? Have you seen your CEO carry product boxes up a flight of stairs? Has your boss picked you up from the airport after a business trip? These are small but mighty examples of servant leadership. Yet, servant leadership theory is … Read more

3 Powerful Marketing Leadership Strategies

Seasoned marketing executives’ advice to those seeking to advance their careers.  Free Book Preview Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing This book takes readers through a 360-degree perspective of social media marketing in businesses. September 15, 2020 10 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. When I graduated from college, the best…

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