LinkedIn Rolls Out New Newsletter Tools

LinkedIn Rolls Out New Newsletter Tools

LinkedIn is launching several new features for people who publish newsletters on its platform. The professional networking site wants to make it easier for creators to grow their newsletter audiences and engage readers. More People Publishing Newsletters On LinkedIn The company says the number of LinkedIn members publishing newsletter articles has increased by 59% over … Read more

60 Days, 58 LinkedIn Posts, 568,000 Impressions: Here’s What I Learned

60 Days, 58 LinkedIn Posts, 568,000 Impressions: Here’s What I Learned

A few years ago, LinkedIn was my strongest marketing channel for my job search coaching business, Recruit the Employer, and I had amassed over 40,000 followers. But then I got a full-time job and put my business — and my social media presence — on pause.  When I decided to relaunch my company this year, … Read more

LinkedIn carousel posts and ads: A complete guide

LinkedIn carousel posts and ads: A complete guide

LinkedIn carousels are a clever marketing solution to keep users engaged with posts. However, since LinkedIn’s decision to sunset organic carousel posts, is there still a way to use carousels in your LinkedIn marketing strategy? The answer is yes, thanks to LinkedIn carousel ads. We’ll uncover what carousel posts (ads) are, how to use them … Read more

12 Awesome Professional Networking Alternatives To LinkedIn

13 Professional Networking Alternatives to LinkedIn

I don’t know about you, but when I hear the word “networking,” I think of LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking platform, with more than 1 billion users in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. Like many of you, I’ve turned LinkedIn into my go-to digital Rolodex, connecting with colleagues past and … Read more

Best Way to Showcase Your Leadership Skills on LinkedIn

Best Way to Showcase Your Leadership Skills on LinkedIn

Nowadays, companies don’t look for just employees. They want accountability to move the company forward. Therefore, you need to showcase your leadership skills to impress higher management.  Trust us! There is no place better than LinkedIn where you can showcase your leadership skills to gain the attention of bigger companies. You need to communicate things … Read more

LinkedIn Report: AI Skills Now Must-Have For Marketers

LinkedIn Report: AI Skills Now Must-Have For Marketers

A new report by Microsoft and LinkedIn reveals the rapid adoption of AI tools and skills in the marketing industry. According to the 2024 Work Trend Index Annual Report, which surveyed over 31,000 people across 31 countries, marketing professionals who leverage AI enjoy a competitive advantage. Employers recognize the efficiency gains AI capabilities provide in … Read more

LinkedIn SEO: 7 tips to optimize your company page

LinkedIn SEO: 7 tips to optimize your company page

Brands love using LinkedIn for business. It’s one of the best platforms for expanding your professional network, connecting with customers and hiring top talent. But with over 67 million companies listed on LinkedIn, it’s more competitive than ever for businesses to stand out on the platform. The fix? A solid LinkedIn SEO strategy. Social search … Read more

#OpenToWork: Are LinkedIn Photo Frames Actually Helpful?

#OpenToWork: Are LinkedIn Photo Frames Actually Helpful?

Welcome to HubSpot Perspectives, a series where HubSpotters weigh in on the latest business and marketing trends. “The biggest red flag on LinkedIn is the ‘open to work’ symbol.” This hot take is brought to you by former Google recruiter Nolan Church. And the dialogue continues. As I browse through my LinkedIn feed, there are … Read more

How HubSpot's Social Team Grew Their LinkedIn Presence by 84% in Six Months, According to HubSpot's Director of Social

Welcome to HubSpot’s Expert Edge Series, where we interview top execs at major brands to explore their perspectives on the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities shaping the industry. Over the past few months, you might’ve noticed a shift in HubSpot’s social strategy. The more traditional B2B posts have given way for a social media presence that … Read more

LinkedIn Shares 7 Insights For Powerful Online Engagement

Interview with head of engineering for LinkedIn Premium

LinkedIn shared insights with Search Engine Journal about how to effectively plan and roll out new features based on their experience planning and rolling out new AI features. The insights are useful whether you’re planning a content strategy or adding new features to your business. I spoke with Prashanthi Padmanabhan, Head of Engineering for LinkedIn … Read more

How to use LinkedIn hashtag analytics to boost content reach

How to use LinkedIn hashtag analytics to boost content reach

With over a billion members in 200+ countries and territories worldwide, LinkedIn is one of the most popular social networks for brands looking to reach a professional audience. But with millions of posts flooding users’ feeds daily, how do you make sure your content gets noticed? Hashtags may be the answer. LinkedIn hashtags are searchable, … Read more

How LinkedIn Unlocked A Genius SEO Strategy With AI

How LinkedIn Unlocked A Genius SEO Strategy With AI

LinkedIn’s Collaborative Articles features reached the milestone of 10 million pages of expert content in one year. The Collaborative Articles project has experienced a significant rise in weekly readership, rising by over 270% since September 2023.  How they reached these milestones and are planning to achieve even more results offer valuable lessons for creating an … Read more

LinkedIn Offers 250 AI Courses For Free Until April

LinkedIn Offers 250 AI Courses For Free Until April

LinkedIn is unlocking 250 AI courses, available for free until April 5. According to LinkedIn’s data, the skills required for the average job globally will change by 68% by 2030. For SEO professionals, this means adapting to new AI-driven tools and techniques that can enhance and streamline their work. LinkedIn’s free AI courses cover a … Read more

LinkedIn Reports Most In-Demand Jobs Across All Industries

LinkedIn Reports Most In-Demand Jobs Across All Industries

LinkedIn’s analysis of global talent trends shows healthcare roles dominating the list of fastest-growing jobs while customer-facing and in-person positions remain highly in demand. According to LinkedIn’s data, healthcare jobs represent 6 out of the top 10 roles, with the most significant increase in paid job posts on the platform. Outside of healthcare, customer-facing and … Read more

LinkedIn Algorithm Change Could Promote Your Best Posts For Months

LinkedIn Algorithm Change Could Promote Your Best Posts For Months

LinkedIn is readying new features and algorithm changes to help users connect with more targeted audiences months or even years after posting their best content, according to a recent interview with company leaders. This information is revealed in a recent talk published on; LinkedIn executives Tim Jurka and Dan Roth addressed topics relevant to … Read more

LinkedIn Rolls Out New AI Features To Make Networking Easier

LinkedIn Rolls Out New AI Features To Make Networking Easier

LinkedIn has introduced new AI-powered features to improve the networking experience on its platform. These updates come at a time when many professionals are re-evaluating their careers and looking to expand their networks. The new features use AI to streamline processes like making connections, searching for jobs, and sharing content. A Competitive Edge in the … Read more

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