Why Consumers Still Hesitate to Shop on Social Media Platforms [New Data]

Why Consumers Still Hesitate to Shop on Social Media Platforms [New Data]

If you’ve been on social media lately, you know shopping has taken center stage on most platforms. But, social commerce a controversial topic — some people love it, others are exhausted by product placements everywhere. And, in our latest research, we discovered that people don’t trust the social media apps they use daily to handle … Read more

The Social Media Content Calendar Template Every Marketer Needs [Free Template]

The Social Media Content Calendar Template Every Marketer Needs [Free Template]

Have you been on a time crunch to create social media content? Most of us have and it’s a stressful position to be in. Creating content in the moment it needs to be published is less than ideal for more reasons than you may realize. Not only is your content less likely to meet the … Read more

Consumers Spend 3+ Hours on Social Media Daily: What They're Doing on Each Platform [Data]

Consumers Spend 3+ Hours on Social Media Daily: What They're Doing on Each Platform [Data]

  Have you ever been hypnotized by social media? According to our recent Consumer Trends survey, users of it spend an average of three hours a day there. It’s easy to fall into a social media trap, filled with endless distraction. One minute you’re checking a DM and the next thing you know you’ve spent … Read more

Social media demographics to inform your brand’s strategy in 2023

Social media demographics to inform your brand’s strategy in 2023

Looking for the latest social media demographics for 2023? You’ve hit the jackpot. The importance of a data-driven social strategy can’t be overstated — up-to-date demographics are crucial to marketers. Because the social space is constantly evolving. With more networks available than ever before, you need to spend your time and budget wisely. Specifically, you … Read more

Social Media SEO: 10 Social Media Strategies to Boost SEO

Social Media SEO: 10 Social Media Strategies to Boost SEO

Often, social media and SEO conversations happen separately. Social media is meant for building relationships and engaging with your audience, while SEO seems more scientific, with specific keyword analyses to attract as many eyes as possible. However, these two facets of inbound marketing can work together to amplify the results of each other. In this … Read more

Maximizing Your Social Media Strategy: The Top Aggregator Tools to Use

Maximizing Your Social Media Strategy: The Top Aggregator Tools to Use

Creating and managing content is more challenging than ever. With so many channels, keeping track of all of your posts can be cumbersome. Enter social media aggregators. These tools can help you oversee your digital presence and distribute information to your audience. In this post, you’ll learn about the different types of social media aggregators … Read more

Can Social Media Help Me Improve My Melbourne-Based Business’s Local Seo?

Can Social Media Help Me Improve My Melbourne-Based Business’s Local Seo?

Every local business should be active on social media if they wish to remain competitive. However, the impact that social media can have on local SEO is often underestimated – largely because the connection between the two isn’t overly clear. To help clear things up a bit, we’re going to highlight just how your social … Read more

How to work with social media agencies (and where teams always go wrong)

How to work with social media agencies (and where teams always go wrong)

Most companies employ a social media agency to fill some sort of gap: the company does not have enough in-house resources or lacks the in-house expertise. Or perhaps it just makes sense from a budget or long-term planning standpoint to employ an agency vs. hiring a full-time resource. Whatever the reason, companies using agencies for … Read more

The 12 Best Social Media Analytics Tools for Marketers in 2023

The 12 Best Social Media Analytics Tools for Marketers in 2023

These days, businesses across every industry are investing in social media marketing. But no matter how great your social media content is or how many people follow your accounts, you won’t be able to grow your audience, reach, and presence if you don’t understand the data behind it all. In-depth knowledge about the status and … Read more

How Social Media Influenced Coachella

How Social Media Influenced Coachella

Welcome to HubSpot Marketing News! Tap in for campaign deep dives, the latest marketing industry news, and tried-and-true insights from HubSpot’s media team. Coachella didn’t start off as the Met Gala for influencers. The festival was first held in October 1999 and was intended to be an accessible event for alternative music fans. Held just … Read more

17 International Social Media Platforms That Weren't Founded in the U.S.

17 International Social Media Platforms That Weren't Founded in the U.S.

Whether you’re interested in international marketing, or just want to learn more about how audiences around the world interact with the internet, learning about the top global platforms can be an eye-opening experience. Below, you’ll explore 17 of the most popular social media platforms around the globe, including TikTok’s origin platform — Douyin. The 17 … Read more

Maximizing Your Social Media Presence For Chiropractic Marketing

Social Media Presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong social media presence is crucial for any business to thrive, and chiropractic clinics are no exception. Social media provides a unique platform for chiropractors to connect with their patients and potential customers, share valuable information, and promote their services. In this article, we will explore some effective marketing … Read more

What You Need To Know About Building A Social Media Career

What You Need To Know About Building A Career In Social Media (No Toxicity, Expert Advice Edition)

Nothing says anyone can become a social media manager like Buffer’s resident music major turned SMM, Mitra Mehvar. However, the question is less can you become a social media manager and more should you pursue this career? Social media is often glamorized, especially in the media — but what does it really take to kick … Read more

The Fastest Growing Social Media Platforms of 2023 [New Data]

The Fastest Growing Social Media Platforms of 2023 [New Data]

Are people still using Facebook? Is BeReal the next big thing? And is TikTok still just for Gen Z? If you’re looking for answers to those questions, we’ve got ‘em. We asked 600+ U.S. adults about the social media platforms they use in May 2022 and again in January 2023 to find out which apps … Read more

Social Media For Business – How Design & Aesthetics Matter

Social Media For Business

Once known as the tool to simply connect yourself with others, social media has come a long way. It is now one of the biggest marketing weapons for any business. Even before the mega launch of a business, having a social media presence can help you win brownie points with your new potential customers. Any … Read more

Ask Buffer: How Do I Create a Social Media Series for TikTok and Instagram?

Ask Buffer: How Do I Create a Social Media Series for TikTok and Instagram?

Question: I’ve been noticing that many of the TikToks and Reels I watch are part of an ongoing social media series. How can I start one myself? Whether you have a specific niche as a content creator or not, you probably post about a handful of similar topics on your Instagram and TikTok that your … Read more

What Fragrances Grew In Popularity Due To The Power Of Social Media?


Social media has had a significant impact on the fragrance industry, with certain scents experiencing a surge in popularity thanks to influencers and online communities. These fragrances become cult beauty buys that gain reputation and credibility, very quickly. Parfumery is a luxury fragrance site that offers samples of all these ‘cult beauty buys’ for a … Read more

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