Mobile Conversion Rate: What It Is and How To Increase It

Mobile Conversion Rate: What It Is and How To Increase It

Is your website ready to attract and convert mobile website visitors into leads?  According to Adobe, companies with mobile-optimized sites triple their chances of increasing mobile conversation rate to 5% or above. If that’s not enough to sell you on the importance of delivering a mobile-optimized experience, Google recently announced that more Google searches take place on … Read more

Mobile Form Design: A Beginners Guide to Converting Mobile Users

Mobile Form Design: A Beginners Guide to Converting Mobile Users

Think about a time when you were on the train, sitting in the airport, or simply lying on the couch, and you had to complete an online form on your smartphone. Did you ever pay attention to the mobile form design? Chances are you haven’t noticed. That’s the goal — to give users an intuitive … Read more

Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Mobile App

Mobile App

In a world where almost every business needs to have its own website and presence on social media, it can be challenging to think of new ways to stand out. However, with the rapid rise in the popularity of smartphones, apps provide businesses with an opportunity to reach their target audience directly. Increasingly, consumers are … Read more

10 Best Mobile Friendliness Tests [+ What Does it Mean to be Mobile Friendly?]

10 Best Mobile Friendliness Tests [+ What Does it Mean to be Mobile Friendly?]

Nobody wants to sit there pinching, poking, and squinting at their phone just to view your website. So it should come as no shock that 50% of people will use a business less often if their site isn’t mobile friendly, according to Google. But how can you be sure that your website is mobile friendly? … Read more

Google Announces 5 Changes Coming To Mobile Search

Google Announces 5 Changes Coming To Mobile Search

At today’s Google’s Search On conference, the company announced it’s rolling out five significant changes to how people search on mobile. Starting today on the Google app for iOS, you’ll see shortcuts to various actions you can perform other than typing in a traditional search query. In the coming months, Google is upgrading the mobile … Read more

Who Needs Android Development? Benefits Of Mobile Apps Development

Mobile Apps Development

Nowadays, one of the most important prerequisites for every business is the usage of mobile app development Android. Your Android app can sell almost anything in any area around the world because most businesses are now online. Therefore, creating a mobile app for your business is essential. Due to mobile app development, several businesses have … Read more

What Is Mobile Services Manager? Is It A Threat? How To Fix It?

what is a mobile services manager

What is mobile services manager? Is mobile services manager a threat? If these are the questions that are haunting you, then you have come to the right place. Don’t get panicked and breathe deep. Here you will get to know what actually mobile services manager is, how does it harm your mobile phone, and how … Read more

14 Mobile Optimization Best Practices You Need To Know

14 Mobile Optimization Best Practices You Need To Know

It has been a while since Google began rolling out its mobile-first index. When this was first announced, SEO professionals were scurrying everywhere to ensure that their site was in compliance with Google’s Core Web Vitals and best practice mobile development guidelines. Optimizing for the mobile web is an entirely comprehensive sub-field within SEO, requiring … Read more

Mobile SEO: A Complete Guide [Ebook]

Mobile SEO: A Complete Guide [Ebook]

Did you know 90% of the global internet population is using a mobile device to go online? What does this mean to website owners worldwide? Does that mean fewer people will see your website if you’re only focusing on desktop optimization? If you’re still optimizing your site for a desktop-only experience, you’re likely missing out … Read more

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