U.S. DOJ Antitrust Filing Proposes 4 Ways To Break Google’s Monopoly

U.S. DOJ Antitrust Filing Proposes 4 Ways To Break Google’s Monopoly

The plaintiffs in an antitrust lawsuit against Google filed a revised proposed final judgment for the judge in the case to consider. The proposal comes after a previous ruling where the court determined that Google broke antitrust laws by illegally maintaining its monopoly. The legal filing by the plaintiffs, the United States Department Of Justice … Read more

Monopoly: A Ruling Against Google Could Benefit The Open Web

Kevin Indig's Growth Memo for SEJ

Image Credit: Lyna ™ Boost your skills with Growth Memo’s weekly expert insights. Subscribe for free! 4 years after the DOJ lawsuit against Google started, Judge Amit Mehta declared Google guilty of monopolizing online search and advertising markets. The most successful startup in history is officially an illegal monopoly. Google’s search engine market share (Image Credit: … Read more

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