Google’s Mueller Outlines Path To Recovery For Sites Hit By Core Update

Man walks on the boundless road to the bright star, success journey, long journey starts with one step

Google’s Search Advocate John Mueller recently addressed the SEO community’s concerns about site recovery after being impacted by algorithm updates. The conversation arose as people questioned whether sites hit by the September helpful content update could regain lost traffic and rankings after future core updates. The exchange began on X when an SEO professional, Thomas … Read more

Google’s John Mueller On Website Recovery After Core Updates

businessman financial professional look through binocular to see graph and chart.

John Mueller, a Google Search Advocate, provided guidance this week regarding the path forward for websites impacted by recent search algorithm updates. The discussion started on X (formerly Twitter) by SEO professional Thomas Jepsen. Jepsen tagged Mueller, asking: “Google has previously said Google doesn’t hold a grudge and sites will recover once issues have been … Read more

Google’s John Mueller Clarifies 404 & 410 Confusion For SEO

Google's John Mueller Clarifies 404 & 410 Confusion For SEO

A recent discussion on the r/SEO Reddit forum provided insights from Google’s Search Advocate, John Mueller, regarding website penalties and the use of HTTP status codes. Mueller addressed questions raised by a website owner who had previously used AI to generate content for their videogame guide website. After removing approximately 200 AI-generated pages due to … Read more

Google’s John Mueller Offers Help With Spammy Foreign Language Hack

Google's John Mueller Offers Help With Spammy Foreign Language Hack

Google Search Advocate John Mueller recently responded to a post on Reddit from a website owner experiencing a significant increase in indexed foreign language pages. The website owner reported that over 20,000 pages in Japanese and Chinese suddenly appeared on their site, which they didn’t create or intend to host. They asked the Reddit community … Read more

John Mueller On Keyword Domain Names And Branding For SEO

John Mueller On Keyword Domain Names And Branding For SEO

In a recent discussion on Reddit, a user inquired about the advantages of using keyword domain names for SEO to improve visibility for a specific phrase. The user shared an example of utilizing a domain like “” for selling swimsuits, a keyword with over 10,000 monthly searches in their country. John Mueller, Google’s Search Advocate, … Read more

John Mueller On AI-Generated Images, Stock Photos

John Mueller On AI-Generated Images, Stock Photos

John Mueller, Google Search Advocate, recently shared his “shower” thoughts on the use of AI-generated images on websites versus stock photography. His discussion opened up an intriguing debate on how users perceive images created with generative AI tools like DALL·E, especially in contexts that are not primarily focused on art or AI. The post included … Read more

Google’s John Mueller Gives Tips To Improve PageSpeed Insights Scores

Google's John Mueller Gives Tips To Improve PageSpeed Insights Scores

A discussion on Reddit involving Google Search Advocate John Mueller offers guidance on optimizing website performance and highlights the challenges of improving scores on Google’s PageSpeed Insights (PSI) tool. In a recent thread, a user asked for guidance after significantly reducing image and video file sizes did not lead to better PSI scores as expected. … Read more

Google’s Mueller To Those Who Create Fake Personas: You’re Deluding Yourselves

Google's Mueller To Those Who Create Fake Personas: You're Deluding Yourselves

Google’s John Mueller expressed his thoughts in a series of tweets about SEOs who create fake personas for a review site, including false LinkedIn profiles. He said if they think nobody can tell that “you’re deluding yourselves.” Fake LinkedIn Profiles To Look Legit AI is used to catch millions of fake LinkedIn profiles every year. … Read more

Google’s John Mueller Warns Against Custom Elements In Head

Google's John Mueller Warns Against Custom Elements In Head

Recently, there was a discussion on Twitter about the validity of using custom elements in the section of web pages. Custom elements are part of the Web Components specifications, allowing developers to create HTML elements tailored to their needs. Using custom tags, developers can build reusable and self-contained HTML elements that function independently from the … Read more

Google’s Personal Info Removal Process: Insights From John Mueller

Google's Personal Info Removal Process: Insights From John Mueller

In today’s digital world, where personal information is so easily accessible online, protecting your privacy is crucial. Recently a Reddit user wanted to remove personal information from Google Search. Their experience and subsequent discussion with Google’s John Mueller highlight the complex process and policies around Google’s content removal tools. In addition to looking at Mueller’s … Read more

Google’s John Mueller On Domain Selection: gTLDs Vs. ccTLDs

Google's John Mueller On Domain Selection: gTLDs Vs. ccTLDs

Google Search Advocate, John Mueller, has shed light on the difference between generic top-level domains (gTLDs) and country code top-level domains (ccTLDs), offering practical advice to businesses and SEO professionals. His comments arrive amidst the recent update by Google that categorizes .ai domains as gTLDs, moving away from their previous association with Anguilla, a British … Read more

Google’s John Mueller Seeks Advice On Hiring SEO Consultants

Google's John Mueller Seeks Advice On Hiring SEO Consultants

Google Search Advocate, John Mueller, has turned to Twitter seeking advice on what to consider when hiring an SEO consultant. He posed the question on behalf of someone running an animal park, indicating the need for a local SEO consultant to enhance their online presence. “Does anyone have recommendations in terms of people/companies & things … Read more

Google’s John Mueller Reminds Of Nuance In Nofollow Attributes

Google's John Mueller Reminds Of Nuance In Nofollow Attributes

Google’s John Mueller answered a tweet about the proper use of nofollow for SEO, while agreeing with the tweet, he also pointed out a nuance about the nofollow attribute that was missing. The tweet arose from an infographic that shared when and when not to use the nofollow attributes. Nofollow Infographic A Yale study showed … Read more

Google’s John Mueller Clarifies WebP Image Indexing Confusion

Google's John Mueller Clarifies WebP Image Indexing Confusion

A recent discussion on the r/BigSEO forum on Reddit revealed some confusion surrounding Google’s treatment of WebP images when it comes to indexing. John Mueller, a Google Search Advocate, weighed in on the matter and explained why WebP images appear in the “Crawled – currently not indexed” report in Google Search Console. Mueller Addresses Reddit … Read more

Google’s John Mueller Tackles “Dumb” SEO Questions On Reddit

Google's John Mueller Tackles "Dumb" SEO Questions On Reddit

John Mueller, a Google Search Advocate, recently engaged in a candid discussion on the r/BigSEO subreddit, addressing questions on various SEO tactics and offering advice for aspiring digital marketers. Mueller addressed topics such as geotagging images, blogging frequency, and the pursuit of online money-making shortcuts. In a thread titled “incoming dumb question barrage,” a Reddit … Read more

Google’s John Mueller Shares Tips For Simplifying Site Structure

Google’s John Mueller Shares Tips For Simplifying Site Structure

Before making changes to your website structure, you must consider the impact it could have on search rankings and user experience. Google Search Advocate John Mueller recently shared valuable advice on this subject in a Reddit thread. With his recommendations, you can learn how to simplify your website structure without affecting its SEO. Read on … Read more

Google’s John Mueller Cautions Against Keyword-Rich Domains

Google's John Mueller Cautions Against Keyword-Rich Domains

Keyword-rich domain names were once thought to be an effective way to increase a website’s visibility and improve search engine rankings. However, there are several reasons why keyword-rich domain names can be detrimental to a website’s success. In response to a thread on Reddit, Google Search Advocate John Mueller shares his opinion on domains with … Read more

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