How to Nail First-Party Data Strategy According to a Google Director of Product Management [+ New Data]

How to Nail First-Party Data Strategy According to a Google Director of Product Management [+ New Data]

Between shifts in technology, the economy, and consumer behavior, 2024 has brought marketers a new level of uncertainty. I’m right there with you, and I’ve bought stock in Pepto Bismal. So when I got the chance to chat with Christophe Combette, a director of product management at Google, I wanted to know what there is … Read more

Harnessing the Power of Content Automation and Personalized Product Recommendations

Your subscribers don’t want another cookie-cutter email. They want relevance—something that feels like it was crafted just for them. With inboxes overflowing and attention spans shrinking, generic emails become easy to ignore. What if your emails could cut through that noise and make every recipient feel like you really get them? The key lies in … Read more

How Go-to-Market Teams Can Grow With AI, According to HubSpot’s Head of Product

Easy, fast, and unified. We’ve talked to a lot of customers about what they need from their tools to grow, and it always comes back to these three words. So why does go-to-market feel so hard, slow, and disconnected? Two words: legacy CRM. The concept of customer relationship management (CRM) has existed for decades, and … Read more

Google Expands Structured Data Support for Product Certifications

Google has announced an update to its Search Central documentation, introducing support for certification markup in product structured data. This change will take full effect in April and aims to provide more comprehensive and globally relevant product information. New Certification Markup For Merchant Listings Google has added Certification markup support for merchant listings in its … Read more

Google Adds Two New Best Practices For Product Markup

Google updates guidance on Product markup, advising ecommerce sites to prioritize HTML implementation and use JavaScript cautiously. Google recommends including Product markup in initial HTML for best results. JavaScript-generated markup can lead to less frequent and reliable crawls. E-commerce sites using JavaScript for product data should ensure servers can handle increased traffic. Source link

How Positioning Can Align Product and Marketing Teams

Listen NEW! Listen to article Sign in or sign up to access this audio feature! No worries … it’s FREE! Getting product and marketing teams on the same page is critical for a company’s success. When they’re not aligned, things can get messy: People misunderstand each other, resources get wasted, opportunities slip by, and everyone … Read more

Product Management vs. Program Management vs. Project Management: Key Differences

Welcome to Creator Columns, where we bring expert HubSpot Creator voices to the Blogs that inspire and help you grow better. I started my career as a Designer before transitioning into Project Management, and I’ve now been in this field for over 15 years in which 10 of them I worked as a Program Manager. … Read more

Google Offers Solutions for Inaccurate Product Pricing In Search

In the latest edition of Google’s SEO office-hours Q&A video, Senior Search Analyst John Mueller addressed concerns about inaccurate prices in search results. His advice may be helpful if you’re having similar problems with Google displaying the wrong prices for your products. Ensuring Accurate Product Prices in Organic Search Results One of the questions focused … Read more

Ask An SEO: Should I Delete My GBP If I Am Selling My Product Nationwide?

This week’s Ask an SEO question is from Ursula, who asks: Should a small business with a local office (more workshop than sales office) and a Google Business Profile listing delete the GBP listing if they want to focus on selling their product nationwide? Great question, Ursula! I hear this question all the time at … Read more

Google Says How To Get More Product Rich Results

In an SEO Office Hours podcast, Google’s John Mueller answered the question of how to get more product rich results to show in the search results. John listed four things that are important in order to get rich results for product listings. Product Rich Results Product search queries can trigger rich results that presents products … Read more

Gen Z Ditches Google, Turns To Reddit For Product Searches

A new report from Reddit, in collaboration with GWI and AmbassCo, sheds light on the evolving search behaviors of Generation Z consumers. The study surveyed over 3,000 internet users across the UK, US, and Germany, highlighting significant changes in how young people discover and research products online. Here’s an overview of key findings and the … Read more

I Used this Product Launch Checklist to Start 5 Ecom Brands

Launching a product can feel incredibly daunting. There are so many different factors to consider, and trying to get everything in order and your timing on point can feel difficult at the best of times and downright impossible at the worst. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve made a few product launch mistakes along the way, … Read more

How Do You Launch a Product?

So you’ve got a brilliant product idea, maybe even a brilliant product, but how do you turn that into a real-world success? You need to create a product roadmap that strategically outlines how you’ll take your product to market… with as much fanfare as possible. While there’s not a hard and fast product launch formula, … Read more

Should You Include FAQs On Product Or Category Pages?

This week’s Ask An SEO question comes from Aleksandar, who asks: “Is there a role for product Q&A for a fashion brand, which only sells its own branded products, besides the obvious question on the sales/delivery/return process?” Yes, there is absolutely a role for product Q&A, and for FAQs on collections or categories. This applies … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Product Marketing: How to Market a Product in 2024

Despite working in marketing for over a decade, I’m still puzzled by the idea of product marketing. Whether your business offers a service (say, a cleaning company) or a commodity (like a toy manufacturer), you’re marketing a “product,” right? Heck, in my recent job hunt, I interviewed for several product marketer jobs under the caveat … Read more

Big Change To Google’s Product Structured Data Page

Google revamped their product structured data documentation by splitting up one comprehensive page into three pages that are more closely focused on their topics, providing an example of how to rewrite a page that’s too big and turn it into multiple topically relevant webpages. Google Product Structured Data Product structured data is essential for ecommerce … Read more

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