12 Awesome Professional Networking Alternatives To LinkedIn

13 Professional Networking Alternatives to LinkedIn

I don’t know about you, but when I hear the word “networking,” I think of LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking platform, with more than 1 billion users in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. Like many of you, I’ve turned LinkedIn into my go-to digital Rolodex, connecting with colleagues past and … Read more

15 Best Examples of Professional Goals [+Tips to Achieve Them]

15 Best Examples of Professional Goals [+Tips to Achieve Them]

“So, where do you see yourself five years from now?” Oof, that can be a tricky interview question, especially if you’re unsure of your professional goals. When I graduated from college and started interviewing in my chosen field, I felt like I needed to plan my entire professional life, complete with one concrete end goal. … Read more

The Diversity Advantage: Professional Team Building As An Inclusive Practice

The Diversity Advantage: Professional Team Building As An Inclusive Practice

In the fast-paced world of business, fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace is not just a moral imperative—it’s a strategic advantage. One powerful way to promote inclusivity is through professional team-building activities. These activities aren’t just about trust falls and icebreakers; they’re about breaking down barriers and creating a sense of belonging among team members. … Read more

Why Your Chicago Medical Practice Needs A Professional Marketing Agency

Why Your Chicago Medical Practice Needs A Professional Marketing Agency

For your medical practice to truly stand out in the highly competitive landscape of Chicago’s healthcare sector, it is crucial to have a comprehensive and strategic online marketing approach. By enlisting the expertise of a professional marketing agency, you can ensure that your practice receives tailored and effective marketing solutions that align with your unique … Read more

The Benefits Of Studying Abroad For Personal And Professional Growth

The Benefits Of Studying Abroad For Personal And Professional Growth

International education is something all students look up to. Yet, only a few dare to take the step and apply to international universities. You need to understand how studying in a foreign country can keep you ahead in the race. Reports show that 68% of international students claimed that studying abroad accelerated their chances of … Read more

How Professional Services Automation Can Transform Your Business

How Professional Services Automation Can Transform Your Business

Nowadays, businesses are always seeking methods and tools to boost productivity, improve customer service, and streamline operations. One impactful solution gaining traction is professional services automation (PSA). While it may appear daunting initially, the reality is, it’s more straightforward than you imagine. Continue reading to explore how professional services automation can transform your business operations. … Read more

Does Your Language Help or Harm Your Professional Relationships?

Does Your Language Help or Harm Your Professional Relationships?

Welcome to Breaking the Blueprint — a blog series that dives into the unique business challenges and opportunities of underrepresented business owners and entrepreneurs. Learn how they’ve grown or scaled their businesses, explored entrepreneurial ventures within their companies, or created side hustles, and how their stories can inspire and inform your own success. A single … Read more

Creating a Culture of Inclusion: Revolutionizing Professional Standards

Creating a Culture of Inclusion: Revolutionizing Professional Standards

Welcome to Breaking the Blueprint — a blog series that dives into the unique business challenges and opportunities of underrepresented business owners and entrepreneurs. Learn how they’ve grown or scaled their businesses, explored entrepreneurial ventures within their companies, or created side hustles, and how their stories can inspire and inform your own success. In today’s rapidly changing … Read more

How to Write a Great Email Signature [+ Professional Examples]

Around the globe, more than 300 emails are sent and received each day, on average. That’s 300 opportunities to market yourself and your business in those individual emails you send. A lot of people treat their email signatures like an afterthought, which is a big missed opportunity. Those signatures are a chance for you to … Read more

How to Write About Your Professional Background

How to Write About Your Professional Background

A great way to share more about your background is to have a prepared document, like a professional bio. A professional bio can be shared with prospective employers, shared with your colleagues, included in your social media profiles, used for speaking engagement announcements, or used as an author bio on a blog. Here, we’ll explore … Read more

Microsoft Launches Free AI Training With Professional Certificate

Microsoft Launches Free AI Training With Professional Certificate

Microsoft and LinkedIn are taking steps to address the growing demand for AI skills in the workforce. Available through LinkedIn Learning, Microsoft is launching the AI Skills Initiative to provide people with the knowledge and tools needed to harness AI technology. Microsoft emphasizes that while AI could improve life and work, people must learn to … Read more

Designing The Perfect Professional Website For Your Business

Designing The Perfect Professional Website For Your Business

Creating a professional website for your business is important in establishing a solid online presence. Your website serves as an effective platform for showcasing your products and services. It gives potential customers instant access to important information about your business, such as contact details, opening hours, and area. Additionally, having optimized NAP data (name, address, … Read more

4 Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Web Design Company

Web Design Company

You have a website for your online store or business but haven’t yet established an online presence. If that sounds familiar, your website doesn’t draw the required traffic. In this case, hiring a qualified web design company is the best course of action. Hiring a good company for web design Calgary comes with numerous benefits, such as … Read more

Professional Growth: The Value of Smaller SEO Events & Masterminds [Podcast]

Professional Growth: The Value of Smaller SEO Events & Masterminds [Podcast]

Enhancing Expertise: The Edge of Intimate Gatherings and Collaborative Sessions for Digital Marketers Networking is one of the best parts of any conference. But, the bigger events might not give you the best opportunity to improve your skills and expand your network as much as you would like. Smaller-scale events and masterminds can provide unique … Read more

27 of the Best Professional Bio Examples We've Ever Seen [+ Templates]

27 of the Best Professional Bio Examples We've Ever Seen [+ Templates]

Your professional bio is not only relevant when applying for jobs, seeking new clients, or networking — it also gives the world a brief snapshot of who you are and your professional ideals. To help you author one that packs a punch, we’ll teach you how to write a professional bio, give you professional bio … Read more

Professional Email Address: How to Create One [+ Examples]

Professional Email Address: How to Create One [+ Examples]

News flash — your email address from high school won’t cut it in the real world. Even if “baseballbro25@aim.com” is a reminder for your athletic years, it’s not a professional email address and can result in your email being ignored. That said, there’s probably at least one person who has the same name as you, … Read more

Do My Android Homework: Reasons To Get Professional Help

Essay Writing Service Online

Programming is a popular discipline among students in schools and universities, and many of them learn programming languages. However, learning programming can be complex, particularly with numerous assignments from other classes. If you are in such a situation, online programming could help solve your problem. Is it a worthwhile investment of your time and money? … Read more

Lessons From 10 Female Leaders To Inspire Your Professional Journey

Lessons From 10 Female Leaders To Inspire Your Professional Journey

Being a member and supporter of the Women in Tech SEO community, SE Ranking – which is an all-in-one, comprehensive SEO toolkit – is on a mission to make SEO accessible for everyone. As we want to encourage female marketers to succeed professionally, we interviewed 10 prominent women in SEO and digital marketing. These experts … Read more

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