6 Local SEO Full-Guides That Help You Rank For Your Business Type

6 Local SEO Full-Guides That Help You Rank For Your Business Type

The elusive five-star review used to be something you could only flaunt in a rotating reviews section on your website. But today, Google has pulled these stars out of the shadows and features them front and center across branded SERPs and beyond. Star ratings can help businesses earn trust from potential customers, improve local search … Read more

4 Reasons Why A Webpage Couldn’t Rank

4 Reasons Why A Webpage Couldn't Rank

Someone asked on Twitter why their articles aren’t ranking well and Google SearchLiaison surprised everyone with a mini site audit of things needing to be fixed. A person (@iambrandonsalt) tweeted on X (formerly Twitter) asking if anyone could offer an explanation of why some pages of their site was having problems ranking. He tweeted: “Does … Read more

Why Google May Rank AI-Generated Content Over Original News

Why Google May Rank AI-Generated Content Over Original News

A recent report from 404media.co alleged that “Google News is boosting sites that rip-off other outlets by using AI to rapidly churn out content.” While Danny Sullivan, Google’s SearchLiaison, offered an official response to the claim, it doesn’t offer a complete explanation as to why some domains outrank others in the news. This article will … Read more

How To Rank On Google (According To Danny Sullivan At Google)

How To Rank On Google (According To Danny Sullivan At Google)

The SEO industry was founded on a strong community of knowledge sharing between SEO pros; mostly about how to get top ranking on Google. Tapping into this, Google realized that working ‘with’ the SEO industry was to its benefit, and thus a symbiotic relationship developed between Google and those who wanted to leverage its search … Read more

Rank Higher and Capture Leads with Video SEO

Search engine optimization is becoming incredibly challenging and unpredictable. As search engines are integrating generative AI and learning to surface more diverse results, creating a strategy to rank your pages in the top 5 takes a lot of trial and error. Video marketing is almost equally challenging. Gone are the days when you had to … Read more

How Local Businesses Can Rank For Popular Near Me Searches

How Local Businesses Can Rank For Popular Near Me Searches

A recent feature on The Verge highlighted businesses that try to get an edge in local search rankings with clever names like Thai Food Near Me. So, I set out to discover if this strategy could impact local rankings and, more importantly, if other local businesses could replicate it. Before I get started, I should … Read more

SEO Writing: 13 Tips on Writing Blog Posts That Rank on Google

SEO Writing: 13 Tips on Writing Blog Posts That Rank on Google

If you’ve ever written a blog post before, you know how much time it can take. From topic selection and gathering research to writing the post and pressing “Publish,” the process often demands hours. That‘s why, if your post doesn’t earn the traffic you expected, it can be a major letdown. Fortunately, there’s a way … Read more

Competitor SEO: 10 Steps To Overthrow Your Competition & Rank Higher

Competitor SEO: 10 Steps To Overthrow Your Competition & Rank Higher

Step 1. Gather Information About Your Own Website. Before you start analyzing others, let’s make sure you have enough info about yourself and your own site. You are going to need it to compare against your competitors. Here’s what you will need to use: Your ranking keywords (both the ones you are using and are … Read more

Google Answers Why A Site Doesn’t Rank Despite Good SEO

Google Answers Why A Site Doesn't Rank Despite Good SEO

Google’s John Mueller answered the question of why a site with “good SEO” doesn’t rank, even when there’s low competition. His answer might seem controversial at first but his words are worthy of consideration. Good SEO But Lackluster Ranking? There is no one definition of what constitutes good SEO. It’s a subjective judgment call that … Read more

Alternative Search Engines: Why They Matter and How to Rank on Them

Screenshot of gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share/desktop/worldwide/,  December 2022

12 billion, 3 billion, 1 billion. That’s the number of searches made in some of the top alternative search engines monthly. While Google still holds more than 80% of the market share, ignoring search engines such as Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo can make you lose out on relevant traffic. So don’t limit yourself to Google’s … Read more

Similarweb Acquires SEO & Rank Tracking Company Rank Ranger

Similarweb Acquires SEO & Rank Tracking Company Rank Ranger

On May 16, Similarweb announced it has acquired Rank Ranger, an SEO and rank tracking company. This allows the Tel Aviv, Israel-based digital intelligence provider to offer term rank tracking alongside its keyword research and analysis tools. With cross-search engine capabilities, the combined power of these companies seeks to provide search professionals with better insights … Read more

How to Rank Seasonal Ecommerce Products

How to Rank Seasonal Ecommerce Products

Google’s John Mueller answered a question about the difficulties of ranking seasonal products, mentioning how they suspected that structured data might be the reason. John responded with actionable suggestions for how to get seasonal product pages indexed and ranked. Seasonal Product Pages The person asking the question related how their ecommerce client sold seasonal products, … Read more

How Can I Rank Informational & Product Pages On The Same Keyword?

How Can I Rank Informational & Product Pages On The Same Keyword?

Today’s Ask an SEO question comes from Nafsika from Hamburg, Germany, who asks: “I have two pages ranking for the same keyword: a product page and a glossary article. The glossary article ranks better, but the product page is more important (and therefore should rank higher). Is there a way to make the product page … Read more

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