How to Navigate New Sender Requirements from Gmail and Yahoo – Litmus

How to Navigate New Sender Requirements from Gmail and Yahoo - Litmus

Every email marketer wants their messages to arrive in the inbox and not the spam folder. So when Gmail and Yahoo announced they’d be enforcing new sender guidelines that deeply affect deliverability for anyone sending to their addresses, every email marketer’s ears perked up. Hence why we hosted a virtual Litmus Talks with experts from … Read more

Please Edit The Content According To The Site Requirements

Please Edit The Content According To The Site Requirements

Are you thinking about building your website but floating midway, wondering where to start? The good news is that in 2024, you will have plenty of website-developing partners whom you can select.  Are you a budding blogger looking to post your innovative content? You may be a small business owner looking to share your hobbies … Read more

Google Clarifies Course Structured Data Requirements

Google Clarifies Course Structured Data Requirements

Google updated the Course structured data requirements for appearing in the Course rich results. Failure to follow the guidelines may result in not qualifying for the rich result. While the added requirement is not new, it was previously missing from the Course structured data requirements page. Course Structured Data The Schema structured data for courses … Read more

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