Google’s Structured Data Update May Boost Merchant Sales

Google's Structured Data Update May Boost Merchant Sales

Google updated their structured data guidelines to reflect support for a sitewide return policy within the Organization structured data. This eliminates the need to add redundant return policy information for every product listing structured data and can result in more traffic and sales to online merchants. This doesn’t mean that merchants are required to change … Read more

How AI Adoption in Sales Enablement Is Transforming RevOps

How AI Adoption in Sales Enablement Is Transforming RevOps

Listen NEW! Listen to article Sign in or sign up to access this audio feature! No worries … it’s FREE! The unique abilities of AI to make people more productive, such as by drafting otherwise tedious emails, have been expounded on endlessly. What remains to be seen are the long-term strategies for using AI that … Read more

My New Business Hit $1 Million in Sales in One Year: Here’s My Playbook

My New Business Hit $1 Million in Sales in One Year: Here’s My Playbook

If you were to ask me about my superpower, I’d say I’m really good at making money fast.  I’m a serial entrepreneur who started my first company when I was 17. I’ve had five ventures and two exits. Until this point, my life strategy has been to build a business, make the money I need, … Read more

Boosting Sales Through Targeted Social Media Marketing Strategies

Boosting Sales Through Targeted Social Media Marketing Strategies

Introduction: The Evolution of Targeted Marketing The journey of marketing strategies toward increased precision is a tale of innovation, insight, and integration. Historically, businesses cast wide nets, hoping to capture the attention of potential customers.  However, the advent of digital technology and analytics tools has revolutionized this approach, enabling marketers to tailor their messages with … Read more

How A Full-Funnel SEO & PR Strategy Can Drive Leads & Sales

Diverse customer segments funneled into revenue streams through full-funnel SEO.

Integrating digital PR & SEO with a full-funnel strategy both influences audience behavior and top-three rankings in search engines. In my recent webinar with Search Engine Journal about how to earn links with digital PR, I didn’t have time to dive into the importance of the audience journey and a full-funnel strategy. This article is … Read more

How Standardizing Your Sales Process Boosts Overall Conversion

Let’s face it—it does no good to build a funnel and spend zero time optimizing for conversion. That’s a no-brainer, right? But, how many of you are working closely with your head of sales to ensure that the opportunities you help generate actually convert into paying clients? Ultimately, if you want to be seen as … Read more

The Strategic Value Of Booklet Makers In Marketing And Sales

The Strategic Value Of Booklet Makers In Marketing And Sales

If you want your business to grow at a faster pace, then Booklet Makers can help you with it. You should realize the strategic value of booklet makers for your brand promotion. It can help your business to stand out in the face of competition with complete ease. The strategic value of Booklet makers will … Read more

Leveraging Content Marketing To Drive B2B Engagement And Sales: A Guide For Digital Marketers

Leveraging Content Marketing To Drive B2B Engagement And Sales: A Guide For Digital Marketers

As a marketer, you’re often stuck at a networking event, surrounded by a sea of business cards and forced small talk. You desperately want to connect with potential clients, but your sales pitches fall flat. Finally, content marketing is your secret weapon in the B2B engagement.  The days of intrusive ads and impersonal brochures are … Read more

What Is The Role Of Business Development In Sales?

What Is The Role Of Business Development In Sales?

Sales and business development are different terms with separate terminologies that help develop an organization. But interestingly, sales and business development are intriguingly related. With the aim of creating a better organization and thriving in the competitive business market with better growth opportunities, companies rely on professional services like GO ON GROUP. Whether starting out … Read more

Crafting Effortless Sales Through ‘Wow’ Moments in Experience Marketing

In an era where consumers are bombarded with endless choices and digital noise, standing out as a brand is more challenging than ever. Enter experience marketing – a strategy that transcends traditional advertising by focusing on creating immersive, memorable interactions. This innovative approach leverages the elements of surprise, delight, and reciprocity to forge strong emotional … Read more

How to Create a Video Sales Letter (Tips and Tricks from a 7-Figure Copywriter)

video sales letter vsl

If you want to generate more leads at a fraction of the cost, increase your conversion rates, and grow your bottom line, the video sales letter, or VSL, can be a powerful tool to add to your marketing arsenal. Video tends to be more engaging than text and is fast becoming the preferred medium for consumers … Read more

11 Proven Strategies to Increase Shopify Sales

Increase shopify sales

You’ve created your dream Shopify store. You’ve poured your heart and soul into product testing, and your products are on your website, accompanied by stunning imagery, well-crafted copy, and the ideal template for your brand. You sit back, proud of your achievements, excited to see what site visitors think. Only one small issue–there aren’t any. … Read more

How to Create Strong Sales and Marketing Alignment in 2024, According to LinkedIn's Global Product Marketing Leader

How to Create Strong Sales and Marketing Alignment in 2024, According to LinkedIn's Global Product Marketing Leader

Welcome to HubSpot’s Expert Edge Series, where we interview top execs at major brands to explore their perspectives on the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities shaping the industry. Puppies and the park. Beach days and ice cream. Some things just obviously go together — but what if I put sales and marketing together in that … Read more

These Evergreen Products Can Stop Your Ecommerce Sales Roller Coaster

Evergreen products

When it comes to planning products you want to sell as part of your ecommerce brand, one of the top priorities alongside manufacturing and ease of access is the product’s demand consistency. It takes time and effort to get a product launched, so the last thing you need is to spend hours sourcing and marketing … Read more

7 AI Tools For Amazon Sellers: Boost Your Sales Today

AI tools amazon

Hey there, Amazon sellers! Let’s cut to the chase. You know it, I know it – the Amazon marketplace? It’s like a crowded New York street, sellers elbowing for space, each trying to shout louder than the next. But here’s the deal: AI’s not just another buzzword; it’s the secret sauce you’re missing. In this … Read more

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