Want More Clicks? Use Simple Headlines, Study Advises

keep it simple inspirational writing - reminder note on a brown textured mulberry paper

A study conducted by researchers at Harvard University has found that readers are more likely to click on and engage with news headlines that use simple language. The study, published in Science Advances, analyzed over 30,000 experiments involving nearly 9,000 headline tests and 24,000 headlines from The Washington Post and Upworthy. The findings suggest that … Read more

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Pricing

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Pricing

Welcome to Creator Columns, where we bring expert HubSpot Creator voices to the Blogs that inspire and help you grow better. In the 5 years I’ve run Nudge, I’ve interviewed dozens of experts on pricing. These aren’t run-of-the-mill LinkedIn gurus. They’re peer-reviewed researchers from some of the world’s most prestigious universities. In this blog, I … Read more

An Introductory SQL Tutorial: How to Write Simple Queries

An Introductory SQL Tutorial: How to Write Simple Queries

Ever heard of SQL? You may have heard about it in the context of data analysis but never thought it would apply to you as a marketer. Or, you may have thought, “That’s for the advanced data users. I could never do that.” Well, you couldn’t be more wrong. The most successful marketers are data-driven, … Read more

How to Create a Lead Generation Website: 9 Simple Optimizations

How to Create a Lead Generation Website: 9 Simple Optimizations

Optimizing your website to generate leads is a no-brainer. However, it’s not as simple as throwing a “Click Here” button on your home page and watching the leads pour in. Instead, marketers and designers need to take a more strategic approach. In this post, we’ll go over some quick ways that actually work to optimize … Read more

YouTube Marketing Made Easy: Simple Step-by-Step Guide for Small Businesses

YouTube is a treasure trove for small businesses, filled with all kinds of would-be customers. In 2022, 27% of video marketers invested more in YouTube than any other platform.  This post explores the rudiments of creating great YouTube videos for small businesses. Knowing Your Audience To make a high-performing YouTube video, know your target audience … Read more

How to Write a Simple, Effective Resume (+20 Examples)

How to Write a Simple, Effective Resume (+20 Examples)

A great resume can help get you noticed by prospective employers. But what makes a resume “great”? How do you catch recruiters’ attention, encourage them to read your resume, and ultimately call you for an interview? Two words: Simple and effective. In this piece, we’ll offer a step-by-step guide to writing a simple, effective resume. … Read more

Creating A Simple WordPress Plugin With 6 AI Chatbots

Creating A Simple WordPress Plugin With 6 AI Chatbots

Artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots have opened up a world of possibilities for people to dabble in projects they might not have tackled due to lack of experience. As someone who uses WordPress but doesn’t have coding experience, I thought it would be interesting to see which AI could help create a simple plugin. For this … Read more

The 2 Simple & Straightforward Methods for Market Sizing Your Business

The 2 Simple & Straightforward Methods for Market Sizing Your Business

When you’re considering a new venture, one of the first things you should do is determine whether there is a valuable market for it. Imagine putting in months of hard work to realize that there are only 100 people in the U.S. who will potentially buy your product. Knowing this early on will enable you … Read more

The Simple Guide to Creating an HTML Email [+ Free Templates]

The Simple Guide to Creating an HTML Email [+ Free Templates]

When you create an email using a drag-and-drop or module-based tool, you’re actually generating an HTML email. There are two main types of email you can send and receive: plain text emails (these are exactly what they sound like — any email that contains just plain old text with no formatting) and HTML emails, which … Read more

How to Sort in Excel: A Simple Guide to Organizing Data

How to Sort in Excel: A Simple Guide to Organizing Data

Knowing how to sort in Excel can feel like a superpower. But unfortunately, many go through the tedious route of sorting and organizing data manually. However, like many operations on Excel, there’s a workaround to sorting and organizing data with a few clicks. In this guide, we’ll show you the different ways to use Excel’s … Read more

9 Simple Ways to Write a Good Introduction Sentence

9 Simple Ways to Write a Good Introduction Sentence

There’s a lot of material out there about writing a great headline. But what about writing a good introduction sentence? Compelling readers to read the article is an art form in itself. And if you don’t do it well, you’re missing out on potential subscribers, leads, and customers. In this post, we’ll share how to … Read more

How to Write a Creative Brief in 11 Simple Steps [Examples + Template]

How to Write a Creative Brief in 11 Simple Steps [Examples + Template]

The first step in any successful project is drawing up a game plan with a clear objective. It’s one of the reasons marketers love creative briefs. A creative brief acts as a roadmap that takes a project from ideation to completion. It ensures the scope, timeline, key stakeholders, and purpose of the project are communicated … Read more

Goals vs Objectives: The Simple Breakdown

Goals vs Objectives: The Simple Breakdown

Everyone on your team should understand the difference between a goal and an objective. I know it sounds simple, but terminology confusion is one of the biggest causes of misalignment in business strategy. Whether you use the OKR model, the KPI framework, the Golden Circle, or another methodology, the difference between goals and objectives must … Read more

5 Simple Ways to Get More Engagement

Increasing Tiktok engagement is the best way for every female course creator to expand their reach and get more sales, especially with the ever-increasing content consumption on Tiktok.  For business owners, Titok is the six-figure-making platform where you can make a lot of money by increasing your engagement.  Nothing discourages zeal like not having people … Read more

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