Crucial Steps to Converting Browsers into Buyers

There’s something comforting and enjoyable about creating a routine where people know you, whether that’s a favorite coffee shop or place to walk or a local beer store where they call your dog by name. Many businesses can create this personalized shopping experience to convert more browsers into buyers. But, it can be tough to … Read more

How To Lock Profile In Facebook? – Quick And Easy Steps

How To Lock Profile In Facebook? – Quick And Easy Steps

How to lock profile in Facebook? – You might be asking this question since you feel that there are many accounts on Facebook that are continuously prying and stalking your account. Hence, you must ensure to “Lock Facebook Profile” so that people who are not your friends cannot see anything on your account. You can … Read more

How to Do A/B Testing: 15 Steps for the Perfect Split Test

How to Do A/B Testing: 15 Steps for the Perfect Split Test

When marketers like us create landing pages, write email copy, or design call-to-action buttons, it can be tempting to use our intuition to predict what will make people click and connect. However, you’re much better off conducting A/B testing than basing marketing decisions off of a “feeling,” as this can be detrimental to your results. … Read more

3 Steps To Building A Winning Holistic SEO & PPC Strategy

3 Steps To Building A Winning Holistic SEO & PPC Strategy

Developing a successful search strategy requires a multi-channel, holistic approach. If your organization is running paid and organic search programs independently, you could be missing out on major growth opportunities. With separate SEO and PPC teams, each measuring different KPIs, it becomes more challenging to share important data and insights across departments – which is … Read more

How to Write a Creative Brief in 11 Simple Steps [Examples + Template]

How to Write a Creative Brief in 11 Simple Steps [Examples + Template]

The first step in any successful project is drawing up a game plan with a clear objective. It’s one of the reasons marketers love creative briefs. A creative brief acts as a roadmap that takes a project from ideation to completion. It ensures the scope, timeline, key stakeholders, and purpose of the project are communicated … Read more

Key Steps for Building Strong Brand/Customer Relationships

In modern business, standing out from the crowd isn’t easy. A strong brand-customer relationship is vital, as it drives customer loyalty and engagement. This can be the deciding factor in your business’s long-term success.  This article will explore the importance of your brand-customer relationship. We’ll explain how the four principles of brand management can help … Read more

8 Powerful Steps To Outrank Your Competition With Targeted SEO

8 Powerful Steps To Outrank Your Competition With Targeted SEO

This post was sponsored by The Nine. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own. How do you ensure your website ranks ahead of the competition? What hurdles could be causing you to rank lower than you’d like? As a professional marketer, you understand how vital search engine optimization is. By optimizing your … Read more

Steps You Need To Take Before Partnering With A Corporate Entity

In today’s business world, partnering with the right corporate entity can make all the difference in achieving success. But before entering into any business relationship, it is essential to take the necessary steps to ensure that the partnership is the right fit for your business. The process of choosing the right corporate entity can be … Read more

7 Gantt Chart Examples You'll Want to Copy [+ 5 Steps to Make One]

7 Gantt Chart Examples You'll Want to Copy [+ 5 Steps to Make One]

Gantt charts. Love ‘em, hate ‘em, or can’t live without ‘em, they’re a reality of a marketer’s life. But how do you make yours stand out from the rest? Below you’ll see some of the best examples around, along with some free templates to get you started. Dive in below and find your favorite. Table … Read more

3 Easy Steps to Build Your Brand Promise [+ Examples]

3 Easy Steps to Build Your Brand Promise [+ Examples]

A brand promise is more than a tagline. It’s a way to show customers what your brand can offer that no one else can. Like other kinds of promises, brand promises can get complicated. They set high expectations, offer ambitious commitments, and impact relationships. Let’s talk about what a brand promise is, how to create … Read more

5 Steps to Create an Outstanding Marketing Plan [Free Templates]

5 Steps to Create an Outstanding Marketing Plan [Free Templates]

Do you take a good, hard look at your team’s marketing strategy every year? You should. Without an annual marketing plan, things can get messy — and it’s nearly impossible to put a number on the budget you’ll need to secure for the projects, hiring, and outsourcing you’ll encounter over the course of a year … Read more

Email Campaign Planning Template: 3 Steps You Can’t Miss [Free Template] – Litmus


Every marketing email your brand sends should have a clear purpose and a sound strategy behind it. Sounds simple, right? As much as we may have this in mind, there are a number of forces working against marketers from achieving this. Using an email campaign planning template is a powerful solution to these problems. And … Read more

What is a CRO Test? [+ the 5 Steps to Perform Them Yourself]

What is a CRO Test? [+ the 5 Steps to Perform Them Yourself]

Looking for a way to supercharge your marketing campaigns and boost conversions? Well, then it’s time to start running a conversion rate optimization test. It’s an incredibly powerful toolset that can help marketers unlock valuable insights from user behavior – and significantly optimize their campaigns in the process. In this blog post, we’ll explain what … Read more

10 Steps To Boost Your Site’s Crawlability And Indexability

10 Steps To Boost Your Site’s Crawlability And Indexability

Keywords and content may be the twin pillars upon which most search engine optimization strategies are built, but they’re far from the only ones that matter. Less commonly discussed but equally important – not just to users but to search bots – is your website’s discoverability. There are roughly 50 billion webpages on 1.93 billion … Read more

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