The State of Email Marketers’ Tech Stack – Litmus

Jaina Mistry

The journey of an email from creation to sending takes hours of behind-the-scenes effort. Email marketers need to consider not only crafting, designing, and developing individual emails but also strategy, planning, operations, and deliverability—and of course, coordinating these efforts with the rest of your team. That’s why the MVP of any email marketing team is … Read more

Google AI: How One Tech Giant Approaches Artificial Intelligence

Google AI: How One Tech Giant Approaches Artificial Intelligence

Have you ever sat paralyzed, trying to craft the perfect text message? Well, one experiment from Google AI may provide the perfect solution. The team’s AI-powered Magic Compose provides multiple sample texts, so you just have to choose the right one. You can already join the waitlist to try it out. This year, we’ve seen … Read more

Tech Can Help Small Business Owners Boost Their Emergency Savings: Here’s How

Tech Can Help Small Business Owners Boost Their Emergency Savings: Here’s How

Emergency savings are a necessity for us all. But this is especially true for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and freelancers. For such folk, a major unpaid invoice can fall on the same month as an unexpected household emergency — like your oven calling it a day or your air conditioner packing it in the middle … Read more

Learn To Master Your Website – Even If You Don’t Speak Tech [Podcast]

Learn To Master Your Website - Even If You Don’t Speak Tech [Podcast]

Unlocking the Potential of Your Digital Presence: Expert Guidance for Non-Techies No matter what your business specializes in, your website is often the first place potential clients and customers learn about your company. This means visitors can decide about your services within the first few seconds. So how do you hook them? Fiona Allman-Treen, author … Read more

Digital Strategies For Brand Marketing Tech Trends For Success

Brand Marketing

Digital marketing has become extremely important leaving all other kinds of marketing well behind. More and more people are exploring digital space due to the increased connectivity offered by the Internet. As a result, a new world has opened up to attract a larger target market. However, differentiating yourself among the plethora of online businesses … Read more

Google & Other Tech Giants Not Liable For Terrorist Content

Google & Other Tech Giants Not Liable For Terrorist Content

The Supreme Court decided today that tech companies aren’t liable for terrorist content posted on their platforms. The lawsuit, initiated by the family of a victim of a 2017 ISIS attack, argued that Twitter, Facebook, and Google should be held accountable for allowing the terrorist organization to utilize their platforms in its terrorism efforts. However, … Read more

A Detailed Guide About Maximizing Your Advertising Strategy With Yahoo Ad Tech

Yahoo Ad Tech

Yahoo Ad Tech is a digital online advertising platform that helps you reach your online audience across every screen. With its DSP and SSP solutions, it provides an easy way to create meaningful connections across advertising, search, and media. It can help you manage campaigns, track performance and optimize your reach. So, if you are … Read more

40 Office Costume Ideas for Marketing Nerds & Tech Geeks

40 Office Costume Ideas for Marketing Nerds & Tech Geeks

Halloween is a fun holiday, but it doesn’t always get the attention it deserves — especially if it falls on a weekday when most people have to work. Fortunately, there is still a way to indulge in the spooky holiday while in the office — dress up and join your office’s Halloween festivities! How many … Read more

How Tech Founders Can Prepare for a Recession

Prepare for a recession graphic

Startup and emerging tech companies are entering what could be the most challenging business climate in more than a decade. As a founder, you need stability to weather the storm. This is particularly true when looking at the lifeblood of innovation and emerging tech–funding. The venture capital and financing market for tech companies has boomed … Read more

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