Artificial Intelligence – AI Can’t Write Thought Leadership (But It Can Do Something Else)

Artificial Intelligence - AI Can’t Write Thought Leadership (But It Can Do Something Else)

Hot take: All that content you’ve been creating? It’s not thought leadership. Or at least most of it isn’t, especially if you leave the writing to AI. In many marketers’ eyes, including many “experts,” content marketing and thought leadership are the same. But although thought leadership can be a pillar of your content strategy, it’s … Read more

Marketing Content – Developing a Content and Social Strategy to Foster Thought Leadership

Marketing Content - Developing a Content and Social Strategy to Foster Thought Leadership

Are you striving to position your organization and its leaders as thought leaders? This episode with guest Ashley Faus sheds light on how to do that very thing by using content and social media. Faus, an expert on the topic, delves into the nuances of crafting a thought leadership strategy that not only caters to … Read more

Research Shows Tree Of Thought Prompting Better Than Chain Of Thought

Research Shows Tree Of Thought Prompting Better Than Chain Of Thought

Researchers discovered a way to defeat the safety guardrails in GPT4 and GPT4-Turbo, unlocking the ability to generate harmful and toxic content, essentially beating a large language model with another large language model. The researchers discovered that the use of tree-of-thought (ToT)reasoning to repeat and refine a line of attack was useful for jailbreaking another … Read more

How I Designed a LinkedIn Thought Leadership Content Creation System

How I Designed a LinkedIn Thought Leadership Content Creation System

I am a professional writer, took LinkedIn personal branding courses, and joined their official creators’ program – and yet, I struggled to consistently post my entrepreneurial journey of building Merrative. At Merrative, we help brands and creators publish thought leadership content formats like interview-based blogs, narratives, non-fiction books, webinars, and data stories – and LinkedIn … Read more

I Thought My Mission Could Carry My Business, But I Needed a Good Product Too

I Thought My Mission Could Carry My Business, But I Needed a Good Product, Too

In 2017, I was living in Malawi, a small landlocked country in South East Africa that—although geographically stunning and full of smiles—is also among the poorest countries in the world. After first visiting in 2012, I instantly fell in love with the people and decided to move here full time to learn from and invest … Read more

Google’s Chain of Thought Prompting Can Boost Today’s Best Algorithms

Google's Chain of Thought Prompting Can Boost Today's Best Algorithms

Google announced a breakthrough research in Natural Language Processing called Chain of Thought Prompting that raises the state of the art of advanced technologies like PaLM and LaMDA to what the researchers call a remarkable level. The fact that Chain of Thought Prompting can improve PaLM and LaMDA at these significant rates is a big … Read more

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