LinkedIn Company Pages: The Ultimate Guide [+ 12 Best Practices]

LinkedIn Company Pages: The Ultimate Guide [+ 12 Best Practices]

LinkedIn Pages allow users to discover, follow, and find new roles at their favorite businesses. But they’re not just useful for job seekers and professionals. If you own a business, organization, or other institution, you can use LinkedIn Company Pages to connect with your audience and strengthen your brand image. A lot happens on LinkedIn. … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Freelancing

The Ultimate Guide to Freelancing

Independence, flexibility, and unlimited financial potential — these are all inviting parts of a freelancing lifestyle. This is especially attractive for employees who want more from their workplace. But, there’s still some mystery surrounding the enigmatic career choice. As a freelancer, how do you make money? Where do you find work or jobs? How do … Read more

Brand identity: the ultimate guide to building a successful brand

Brand identity: the ultimate guide to building a successful brand

The sooner you cement your brand identity, the better. There’s a reason why brand awareness is still the top goal for many marketers. Because social media is only getting more competitive and crowded. Attention is invaluable as your audience gets pulled in a million directions and getting more eyes on your company means being memorable. … Read more

Site Boxes – The Ultimate Storage Solution For Your Tools And Equipment

Ultimate Storage Solution For Your Tools And Equipment

As a tradesperson or contractor, you understand the importance of proper tool and equipment storage. Keeping your materials organized and secure not only saves time but also helps to prevent loss or damage so get yours for rent at Lakeside Hire. Site boxes, also known as job boxes, are the ultimate storage solution for your … Read more

What is content marketing? An ultimate guide (plus examples)

What is content marketing? An ultimate guide (plus examples)

Content marketing puts you on the map so potential customers know who you are. It acts as a mix of resources that help you build a relationship of trust with your audience along their buying journey from awareness to decision. As content marketing has grown over the years, it has incorporated many different types of … Read more

Twitter Marketing in 2023: The Ultimate Guide

Twitter Marketing in 2023: The Ultimate Guide

Twitter is a social networking tool and search engine in which I can typically find the latest information about virtually any topic. This also includes updates from the companies and businesses I care about. Businesses, like HubSpot, are able to market on Twitter to engage users and followers, increase brand awareness, boost conversions, and more … Read more

Dark Mode Email: Your Ultimate How-to Guide – Litmus


Dark Mode. The tech industry started buzzing with these two words back whenApple added Dark Mode to its desktop email client in 2018.The following year, Dark Mode came to iOS Mail and other industry heavyweights, including Gmail, announced support for Dark Mode.  Litmus’ Trends in Email Engagement report indicates that of the opens tracked, about … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to B2B Marketing in 2022 [+ New Data]

The Ultimate Guide to B2B Marketing in 2022 [+ New Data]

Effective marketing is difficult to get right. Between creative demands, budget limits, and channel decisions, marketers have a lot to juggle when developing their marketing strategy. The biggest determinant of effective marketing, however, is your audience. If you’re not properly targeting your buyer persona, your promotions and advertisements will likely fall on deaf ears. You … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Bullet Points in HTML Email – Litmus


Are HTML bullet points useful in emails? Bullet points in plain text emails are an incredibly useful tool for content hierarchy. They allow subscribers to read the key elements of your emails quickly and easily. They are a great way to set apart important information from the rest of the email. As so often in … Read more

The Ultimate Guide To Creating The Perfect Founding Team

Founding team graphic

There’s an art to creating the perfect founding team. A startup can have all the potential in the world, but nothing can derail things faster than its “people problems.” In a study about startup performance, venture capitalists attribute 65% of company failures to problems within the startup’s management team. Make no mistake, more than anything … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Shopify SEO Tools

Shopify seo tools phone graphic

There’s a powerful intersection that occurs between a customer and a business. The customer has a distinct need and they’re seeking a solution. As if guided by the gods of commerce, they encounter a business that doesn’t just have a solution—it offers the solution. It’s the ultimate win-win whenever customers and businesses connect in this … Read more

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