Best URL Practices for SEO: How to Optimize URLs for Search

Best URL Practices for SEO: How to Optimize URLs for Search

Back when I started playing the search engine optimization (SEO) game, keyword stuffing actually worked. Since then, algorithm updates have spared only a few SEO best practices, like URL optimization. Google’s algorithm updates have shaken up the scenery of SEO. However, URL optimization has stood the test of time. This is an essential element of … Read more

Firefox URL Tracking Removal – Is This A Trend To Watch?

Firefox URL Tracking Removal - Is This A Trend To Watch?

Firefox recently announced that they are offering users a choice on whether or not to include tracking information from copied URLs, which comes on the on the heels of iOS 17 blocking user tracking via URLs. The momentum of removing tracking information from URLs appears to be gaining speed. Where is this all going and … Read more

Firefox Eliminates URL Tracking Parameters: What Marketers Should Know

Firefox Eliminates URL Tracking Parameters: What Marketers Should Know

In June 2022, Mozilla Firefox 102 was released with a feature that strips query parameters from URLs that track users as they navigate the web. The feature is called “Query Parameter Stripping,” and the purpose is to protect the privacy of users who don’t want to be trailed online. Now that Firefox has given its … Read more

How Can We Solve Autogenerated URL Errors Once & For All?

How Can We Solve Autogenerated URL Errors Once & For All?

Today’s “Ask An SEO” question comes from Bhaumik from Mumbai, who asks: “I have a question about automatically generated URLs. My firm had previously used different tools to generate sitemaps. But recently, we started creating them manually by selecting URLs that are necessary and blocking others in robots.txt. We are facing an issue now with … Read more

Google Explains Geotargeting Via URL Subdirectories

Google Explains Geotargeting Via URL Subdirectories

Google’s Search Advocate John Mueller explains how websites can optimize content for search results in specific countries by using subdirectories in a strategic way. This topic was discussed during a recent Google Search Central SEO office-hours hangout. An individual named Hazel Wwrong joins the livestream to ask Mueller how Google recognizes when website content is … Read more

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