Mastering Multi-Touchpoint Content Strategy: Navigate Fragmented User Journeys

Mastering Multi-Touchpoint Content Strategy: Navigate Fragmented User Journeys

Digital platforms are constantly multiplying, and with that, user engagement is becoming more intricate and fragmented. So how do you effectively navigate distributing and tailoring your content across these various touchpoints? Watch this on-demand webinar and see us dive into the evolving landscape of content strategy tailored for today’s fragmented user journeys. Understanding how to … Read more

What Most Brands Miss With User Testing (That Costs Them Conversions)

What Most Brands Miss With User Testing (That Costs Them Conversions)

I’m an inclusive marketing consultant and the founder of Thompson Media Group. A former client of mine recently forwarded me an email he’d received from a market insights company he’s subscribed to. The insights the company had included in this particular email was about “The Top 5 Ranked TV Sitcoms in U.S. History” according to … Read more

Google Connects Imported User Data To GA4 Audiences

Google Analytics 4 logo displayed on mobile phone screen

Google has streamlined the process for using imported user data to build audiences in Google Analytics 4 (GA4). This eliminates the need for users to visit a website or app before joining designated audiences. Google’s official announcement states: “We’ve made it easier to use imported user data with audiences. Now, data you upload, joined via … Read more

How Core Updates Make Subtle User Intent Changes

Kevin Indig's Growth Memo for SEJ

Boost your skills with Growth Memo’s weekly expert insights. Subscribe for free! Sites can lose significant organic traffic from Core Updates without obvious patterns when analyzing rank changes. One hidden cause is subtle intent shifts. Two outdated models prevent us from seeing what’s really going on. One, we often think of user intent as transactional, navigational, informational, … Read more

Messy Middle: Using Human Biases To Optimize For User Satisfaction

Kevin Indig's Growth Memo for SEJ

Boost your skills with Growth Memo’s weekly expert insights. Subscribe for free! In There Is No Spoon, I covered Google’s growing emphasis on user satisfaction as key to success in SEO. The most important key to success with Google Search is to have content that’s meant to please people, rather than to be whatever you might have … Read more

The Impact Of User Experience On Customer Acquisition In SaaS B2B

The Impact Of User Experience On Customer Acquisition In SaaS B2B

Competitive markets are required to heavily depend on companies that are constantly acquiring and retaining customers. While traditional factors like product features, pricing, and marketing strategies play crucial roles, the significance of user experience (UX) cannot be overstated, being a huge part of this customer traction. It encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with … Read more

Navigating The Intersections Of Technology And Human Interaction In AI, User Experience, And SEO

Navigating The Intersections Of Technology And Human Interaction In AI, User Experience, And SEO

Gone are the days when AI was merely a distant concept. Today, AI has already been integrated into our daily lives through various applications and services, transforming how we interact with digital platforms. A few years ago, AI operated silently behind the scenes, facilitating data processing and optimization for large services. However, starting in 2023, … Read more

WordPress User Survey Indicates Rising Frustration

WordPress User Survey Indicates Rising Frustration

WordPress released the results of their annual user and developer survey which showed mixed feelings about the direction the software is going and an increasing sense of not being welcome in the overall WordPress community. The Gutenberg Editor Gutenberg is the modernized version of the the default site editor which brings the paradigm of a … Read more

9 Thank You Page Examples to Improve User Experience

9 Thank You Page Examples to Improve User Experience

Landing pages may be the equivalent of making a good first impression, but thank you pages are the final memory you leave a website visitor with before they go. They’re often the final opportunity to engage your site visitors and leave them with a warm, fuzzy feeling about their overall experience on your site. Like … Read more

Google Launches “Notes” To Add User Comments In Search Results

Google Launches "Notes" To Add User Comments In Search Results

Google announced the launch of a new experiment called Notes that will allow users to view and share tips alongside search results, per an announcement released Tuesday morning. Notes is being released through Google’s Search Labs, which offers early previews of experimental features so users can test new capabilities not yet available widely. Google has … Read more

10 User Generated Content Campaigns That Actually Worked [+Expert Insights]

10 User Generated Content Campaigns That Actually Worked [+Expert Insights]

User-generated content (UGC) has become increasingly important over the past few years.  In fact, in a recent HubSpot survey of 500+ marketers who sell content via social shopping features, 92% say user-generated content increases brand awareness of their products. And, as Emplifi’s Chief Strategy Officer Kyle Wong told me, “User-generated content is a 24/7, 365-day … Read more

AI-Powered Conversations: How To Automatically Boost Your User Experience With Phone Calls

AI-Powered Conversations: How To Automatically Boost Your User Experience With Phone Calls

Check out CallRail’s latest ebook to learn more about how analyzing phone calls can help: Tip 2: Use AI Call Data To Inform Your SEO Strategy & Maximize Your Potential You can use AI to pull important data from your clients’ phone conversations more efficiently and apply these insights to your marketing strategies with CallRail’s … Read more

How To Improve CRM User Adoption With Better Design?

How To Improve CRM User Adoption With Better Design?

Are you having trouble getting your team to adopt a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system? The key to successful CRM user adoption lies in the design and implementation of the platform. From making sure that the interface is intuitive and user-friendly, to incorporating context-sensitive help within the system, there are several steps that organizations can … Read more

Top 8 Better Discord Plugins For A Better User Experience

Top 8 Better Discord Plugins For A Better User Experience

So, you are here to check out some relatively better Discord plugins for boosting your user-experience on the Discord server. If you are already a fan of Discord plugins, you will find this even more exciting. This is precisely why we have arrived with the top Discord plugins to boost your user experience on the … Read more

Google Algorithms And Updates Focusing On User Experience: A Timeline

Google Algorithms And Updates Focusing On User Experience: A Timeline

As the role of search evolves to touch multiple marketing and consumer touchpoints, optimizing for the user has never been so important. This is reflected in Google’s continual focus on the searcher experience. Whether in its core algorithmic updates, new features, products, or SERP format changes. While some of these Google changes have involved updates … Read more

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