The Best Dynamic Email Content Examples by Industry and Use Case

The Best Dynamic Email Content Examples by Industry and Use Case

Your subscribers are drowning in a sea of “Hey, %%first_name%%!” emails.

With overflowing inboxes and short attention spans, generic emails are just background noise. And your customers? They crave connection, not just another sales pitch.

The good news? You can elevate your e-commerce emails from yawn-inducing to irresistible. We’ve done the research for our State of Email Design report, talked to the experts, and discovered that email personalization using dynamic content is your golden ticket to better email performance.

And speaking of email personalization trends, Litmus SVP of Marketing, Cynthia Price recently reported that: “email is both at an all-time high in volume and in ROI… overall email volume up 13% since 2020, expected to grow another 13% by 2026.”

So, if you’re ready to ditch the “one-size-fits-all” approach and create emails that convert, you’re in the right place. Let’s explore how dynamic content can transform your email campaigns into experiences that feel like they were tailor-made for each individual.

Benefits of dynamic email content

Ditch the snooze-fest emails and create campaigns that boost engagement. Dynamic content is your secret weapon to engage subscribers with personalized experiences that drive email marketing ROI.

Let’s see how.

  • Increased conversion rates. Dynamic content lets you put the perfect products, deals, or information right in front of each subscriber—stuff that matches their interests or what they’ve been eyeing online. This laser focus on relevance content boosts your conversion rates and transforms your emails into revenue-driving machines that’ll have your whole team cheering.
  • Better time and resource efficiency. Automated dynamic email content within email design tools allow you to create one master email template that adapts to each subscriber. This efficiency saves time and resources and ensures consistency across your campaigns, letting you focus on strategy rather than endless email variations.
  • Deeper customer understanding. As subscribers click and interact with your personalized emails, you gather hard facts about their behavior. (For example, a live poll captures first-party data.) Use these insights to refine your product recommendations, tailor your promotions to individual interests, and create email sequences that guide loyal customers through their unique buying journey.
  • Real-time relevance for maximum impact. Keep your email messages fresh and timely by incorporating real-time updates, such as weather-based product recommendations, countdown timers for flash sales, or live social media feeds. This adds a sense of urgency and excitement into your emails, motivating subscribers to click, buy, or engage with your brand right away.

Unlock greater ROI from your email marketing

Learn how email outperforms other channels with $36 ROI per $1 spent. Explore key insights from company size to content.

Dynamic content email examples by industry

Time to get specific. Let’s see how different industries are using dynamic content to crush their email goals. We’ve got real-life examples that’ll show you how these brands are tailoring their emails to specific audiences, providing email inspiration for your own campaigns.

eCommerce and retail

eCommerce and retail brands are no strangers to dynamic content. They use it to create inspiring personalized emails that feel like a personal shopping assistant.

How? Think personalized product recommendations, abandoned cart reminders that practically beg you to hit “buy,” and even special offers based on your browsing history. Email personalization for eCommerce is so much more than the [insert name here] strategy we’ve all seen.

For example, holistic cycle care brand, Rael’s email is a perfect blend of product promotion, brand values, and customer perks.

Source: Really Good Emails

Why it’s add-to-cart worthy:

  • Headline that catches you red-handed. “We Saw You Checking Us Out” (Busted!)
  • Spotlights the “Face Anything Kit” you were eyeing. (They see you, they really see you.)
  • Introduces other goodies you might love because one skincare product is never enough.
  • Clean design with soothing pastels. (Easy on the eyes, just like their products.)
  • Calls-to-actions (CTAs) sprinkled like confetti. (Because decisions are hard.)
  • Free shipping over $50. (Oh, hello impulse buy.)
  • Subtle flex about clean ingredients and cruelty-free practices (for your conscience).
  • Referral program reminder. (Spread the love, get the perks.)

Rael blends customer behavior insights with upselling tactics to create an email that is customized to each individual recipient’s interests and needs.

Financial services

Money matters can be stressful, but emails from financial services companies can make things a bit easier.

Imagine getting updates on your investments that actually feel relevant, or loan offers that seem to know exactly what you need. These emails use your customer data to serve up info that’s tailored just for you.

Intrigued? Here’s an example.

Credit Karma sent an alert about a new credit card account added to the recipient’s Equifax report. It provides information about potential credit score impacts and options to dispute if necessary.

Source: Really Good Emails

The personalized recipient’s name (“Hi [Name]”) grabs attention and makes the email body feel like a friendly message from a trusted advisor.

Why it works:

  • Personal greeting (“Hi [Name]”) because you’re not just another number.
  • Timely heads-up about a new account on your credit report (they’re watching out for you like a hawk).
  • Clear breakdown of potential credit score impacts. No financial mumbo-jumbo here.
  • Crystal clear CTA. “View Details” (They’re not beating around the bush.)
  • Information on how to dispute errors (because sometimes even robots make mistakes).
  • Specifics on credit bureau and report date (proving they’re not just blowing hot air).

Credit Karma’s email is a masterclass in balancing important financial updates with an approachable vibe. They nudge you towards taking action without making you feel like you need to panic.

Media organizations

Let’s face it, we’re all drowning in information overload.

Media organizations use dynamic content to make sure their emails cut through the noise. They deliver email newsletters with articles tailored to your interests, or breaking news alerts about topics you actually care about.

For example, here’s an email from journalism app Curio promoting a podcast about artificial intelligence (AI) whisperers.

Source: Really Good Emails

What makes it pop:

  • Personalized “Must Listen” recommendation. (They’re onto you!)
  • Sneak peek of AI content that’ll make you go “Tell me more!”
  • “22 minutes” duration tag (because who’s got time for a 3-hour podcast?)
  • Subscription perks reminder. Premium publications and human narration, oh my!
  • Clean design that enhances the primary message of the email.
  • Crystal clear CTA. They’re direct with the action they want you to take.

There’s a clean design, a clear CTA, and a professional vibe overall.

Curio’s email proves that by giving people content that works for them, offering a little taste of what’s inside, and reminding them why they subscribed in the first place, you can keep ’em hooked and coming back for more.


Agencies are all about building relationships, and dynamic emails are a secret weapon for keeping those connections strong.

Client updates that actually feel personalized, project proposals that speak directly to a prospect’s pain points, or even newsletters that highlight the exact services a client needs—all of these are gold.

Let’s see this in action.

Flowium, an eCommerce email marketing agency, nailed it with their invitation to a livestream about abandoned cart emails:

Source: Really Good Emails

Why it’s a client-magnet:

  • Bullseye headline: “Abandoned cart emails: Dos, Don’ts, and Examples” (because who doesn’t love a good list?)
  • Sleek design with livestream sneak peek (ooh, shiny!)
  • Personalized greeting (they remembered your name, aww)
  • Multiple “Join Us” buttons (for the chronically indecisive)
  • Team member intros (putting faces to the magic)
  • Subtle service flex (if they can save abandoned carts, imagine what else they can do!)
  • Company values email footer (because principles are drool-worthy)

Flowium’s email is like that cool kid at school who’s actually nice to everyone. It builds trust, shows off skills, and makes you want to sit at their lunch table.

Travel and hospitality

Ready to jet-set? We’ve got travel and hospitality brands that offer flight deals, hotel recommendations, and personalized itineraries based on your past travels.

It’s like having a travel agent in your inbox. Let’s explore an email from accommodation booking brand, Airbnb.

In its email, Airbnb promotes travel insurance for an upcoming trip.

Source: Really Good Emails

Why it’s vacay-approved:

  • Curiosity-piquing headline: “Upcoming trip?” hints at email personalization based on your recent searches or bookings.
  • Miniature beach scene. (Instant vacation vibes.)
  • Clear value prop: peace of mind and 24/7 support (because nobody likes surprise hospital bills abroad).
  • Easy-peasy “See your quote” button (for the commitment-phobes).
  • Scannable list of covered events (addressing all your “but what if…” worries).
  • Airbnb’s signature friendly style (like travel advice from your cool globetrotter friend).

Airbnb’s email is the digital equivalent of a travel buddy who’s got everything planned out. It’s helpful, it’s relevant, and it might just save your trip from turning into a sitcom-worthy disaster.


Healthcare is personal, and so should be the emails you get from your providers. Dynamic content is helping healthcare organizations send relevant content to you.

Like appointment reminders that actually fit your schedule, educational resources relevant to your health concerns, or even personalized wellness tips.

At-home health testing brand, Everlywell’s post-purchase email for a health testing kit, provides setup instructions, community information, and additional resources.

Source: Really Good Emails

Why it’s a health kick starter:

  • Empowering opener. “And just like that, you’re in Control” (Cue superhero music.)
  • Easy-to-find order number. (No more digging through your inbox.)
  • Step-by-step guide. (because nobody likes feeling lost).
  • Calming design. (Zen vibes only.)
  • Monthly credit and discount nudge. (Hello, savings!)
  • Community building with social media links. (You’re part of the cool kids club now.)
  • “Want more?” section with extra resources. (They’re not just a testing company, they’re your new health BFF.)
  • Multiple CTAs (for the “Ooh, shiny!” in all of us).

Overall, this email strikes the perfect balance between information, encouragement, and brand building. It’s a solid foundation for a long-lasting relationship with your health (and Everlywell!).

Harness the power of email personalization

Discover how to better connect with your audience, deliver tailored content, and drive engagement with email personalization.

Dynamic content email examples by use case

Now that we’ve explored how different industries leverage dynamic content, let’s zoom in on specific use cases.

The beauty of dynamic content is its versatility. Depending on your objective, you can personalize everything from email subject lines and product recommendations to calls-to-action and even entire email layouts based on purchase history or even demographic information from your CRM data.

Check out some examples and see how you can use them.

Welcome emails

First impressions matter, right? That’s where welcome emails shine!

These emails are your chance to roll out the red carpet for new subscribers, customers, or users. This is your chance to make a great first impression, set expectations, and maybe even offer a little something special to entice your new subscribers.

Potting mix brand, Rosy Soil’s welcome email is a great example of this in action.

Source: Really Good Emails

Here’s why it’s growing on us:

  • Clear mission statement. (Saving the planet, one pot at a time.)
  • 10% off discount code. (Because who doesn’t love a good deal?)
  • Perfect info-spiration blend (like a well-balanced compost).
  • Multiple “Shop Now” buttons (for the impulsively green-fingered).
  • Open invitation for questions. (They’re here to help, not just sell.)
  • On-brand design with playful curves. (Easy on the eyes, like a well-manicured lawn.)

The email’s got the perfect blend of info and inspiration. You’ll learn about their “sustainable, peat-free” goodies without feeling overwhelmed. Multiple “Shop Now” buttons make it easy to take action, and the invitation to ask questions shows they’re genuinely interested in building a relationship.

Visually, it’s on point. A clean email design, on-brand colors, and playful curves guide your eyes through the content.

Promotional emails

Promotional emails show off your latest deals, flash sales, or limited-time offers. They’re all about grabbing attention, creating a sense of urgency, and enticing your subscribers to take action (aka, make a purchase!).

But with dynamic content, you can make sure those promotions hit all the right notes? Let’s check out an example.

Protein powder brand Bulk’s promotional email offers 40% off everything for 48 hours, with an interactive countdown timer and a free protein bar offer.

Source: Email Gallery

It achieves the perfect balance: time-sensitive offers, exclusive discounts, and clear expectations.

Here’s why it’s flexing on the competition:

  • Real-time countdown timer. (FOMO in digital form.)
  • “EMAIL EXCLUSIVE” 40% off (making subscribers feel like VIPs).
  • Free protein bar offer (because who doesn’t love free stuff?)
  • Clear minimum spend requirements. (Setting expectations like a good spotter.)
  • Eye-catching design with strategic orange pops. (Impossible to ignore, like those gym grunters.)

Bulk’s email shows how you can combine the power of a ticking clock, exclusive deals, and a little extra something to get people excited and clicking that “buy” button.

Re-engagement emails

Okay, let’s face it—sometimes even the most loyal subscribers need a little nudge. That’s where re-engagement emails come in.

These are the messages you send to those folks who’ve gone a bit quiet, hoping to spark their interest again.

But instead of a generic “We miss you!” plea, dynamic content can help you tailor these emails to remind them why they signed up in the first place.

Candy brand Gigantic’s email is a playful nudge to window shoppers and reminds them of the deliciousness they’re missing out on.

Source: Really Good Emails

Here’s why it’s irresistibly clickable:

  • Cheeky headline. “WINDOW SHOPPING?” (Caught ya looking!)
  • Airplane window imagery (because who doesn’t love a good pun?)
  • Vibrant colors and bold typography (like a sugar rush for your eyes.)
  • “NOT-TO-SWEET, COLOSSALLY TASTY” tagline (for when you want to indulge, but like, responsibly).
  • Health halo highlights: low sugar, real ingredients, fairtrade, plant-based (practically salads, right?)
  • Clear CTA. “TRY ‘EM ALL” (Pokemon, but make it candy.)
  • Short and sweet content (unlike that essay your ex sent at 2 AM).

This email is a sweet reminder of why you were interested in the first place, packed with even more reasons to come back and finally treat yourself.

Newsletter emails

Newsletters are the backbone of many email marketing strategies, offering a regular dose of updates, insights, and maybe even a few laughs.

But with dynamic content, you can transform your newsletter from a one-size-fits-all broadcast into a personalized customer experience. Like curated content based on their interests, exclusive offers tailored to their preferences, and maybe even a birthday shoutout.

Corporate wellness platform WellHub’s latest newsletter is a one-stop shop for all things wellness, whether you’re a leader looking for insights or an employee seeking practical tips.

Source: Really Good Emails

Here’s why it’s killing it:

  • Leadership insights that don’t put you to sleep.
  • Practical tips and checklists (because who doesn’t love ticking boxes?)
  • “Wellness Minute” for quick office health hacks (Sayonara, screen-zombie posture!)
  • Easy-to-digest design (no PhD required).
  • Variety pack of content: articles, tips, offers (like a wellness buffet).

The best part? They end with a CTA about reducing healthcare costs. It ties everything together, showing how taking care of your employees’ well-being is good for them and the company’s bottom line.

This newsletter sells WellHub’s services and gives you the knowledge and tools to take control of your well-being. It’s a total win-win situation.

Personalize emails the way you want to—with or without complex code.

The good news is you don’t need to be a tech whiz to create killer personalized emails.

With a tool like Litmus, you can wave goodbye to complex code and say hello to drag-and-drop simplicity. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, you’ll be able to create dynamic email experiences that’ll leave your subscribers feeling like you’re reading their minds.

Ditch the generic blasts and start building real connections with your audience. Try Litmus today and see how easy it is to create emails that actually get results.

Stand out in crowded inboxes

Create 1:1 experiences at scale with Litmus Personalize. Use live polls, countdown timers, and more to captivate subscribers.

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“@context”: “”,

“@type”: “FAQPage”,

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What is an example of dynamic content in an email?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “An example of dynamic content in an email is a personalized product recommendation based on the recipient’s browsing history. Imagine an email from an online retailer that displays items you recently viewed on their website, encouraging you to make a purchase. This tailored content increases relevance and boosts the chances of conversion.

} },{

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What types of data can be used for dynamic content?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Dynamic content relies on a wide array of data, both explicit and implicit, to deliver those personalized experiences:

User Data: Name, location, preferences, purchase history, etc.
Behavioral Data: Website activity, email clicks, abandoned carts, etc.
Contextual Data: Time, weather, device type, etc.
Third-Party Data: Demographic or industry-specific data.

Collect and use data responsibly, be transparent, and respect rules around data privacy.

} },{

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Can dynamic content be used in all types of emails?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Yes, dynamic content can be used in virtually all types of emails, including newsletters, promotional, commercial and transactional, and even onboarding sequences. Its versatility allows for personalized experiences across various email marketing campaigns.

} },{

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How do I measure the effectiveness of dynamic content in my emails?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Measure the effectiveness of dynamic content by tracking key email analytics like:

Open Rates: See if personalization in subject lines boosts opens.
Click-Through Rates: Analyze if targeted content leads to more clicks.
Conversions: Track if personalized offers drive purchases or sign-ups.
A/B Testing: Compare dynamic vs. static content to pinpoint what works best.

} } ]

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an example of dynamic content in an email?

An example of dynamic content in an email is a personalized product recommendation based on the recipient’s browsing history. Imagine an email from an online retailer that displays items you recently viewed on their website, encouraging you to make a purchase. This tailored content increases relevance and boosts the chances of conversion.

Dynamic content relies on a wide array of data, both explicit and implicit, to deliver those personalized experiences:

  • User Data: Name, location, preferences, purchase history, etc.
  • Behavioral Data: Website activity, email clicks, abandoned carts, etc.
  • Contextual Data: Time, weather, device type, etc.
  • Third-Party Data: Demographic or industry-specific data.

Collect and use data responsibly, be transparent, and respect rules around data privacy.

Yes, dynamic content can be used in virtually all types of emails, including newsletters, promotional, commercial and transactional, and even onboarding sequences. Its versatility allows for personalized experiences across various email marketing campaigns.

Measure the effectiveness of dynamic content by tracking key email analytics like:

  • Open Rates: See if personalization in subject lines boosts opens.
  • Click-Through Rates: Analyze if targeted content leads to more clicks.
  • Conversions: Track if personalized offers drive purchases or sign-ups.
  • A/B Testing: Compare dynamic vs. static content to pinpoint what works best.

The post The Best Dynamic Email Content Examples by Industry and Use Case appeared first on Litmus.

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