Let Seth Godin help you transform your life

Just to let you know, if you buy something featured here, Mashable might earn an affiliate commission. Image: Seth Godin By STACKCOMMERCEMashable Shopping2019-10-22 09:00:00 UTC “How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so easy for you to be remarkable?” That’s what Seth Godin asked readers in his best-selling book, Small…

2019 holiday checklist: Inspire shoppers with gift-giving ideas

Nicky Rettke Director, Product Manager, YouTube Ads Published Nov 5, 2019 Whether they’re shopping for themselves or for others, 48 percent of today’s shoppers say they’re open to buying from new retailers during the holiday season. And increasingly, they’re leaning into videos and inspirational imagery to help them decide. Below, we’ll dive into how Google…

50 Ecommerce Business Ideas

If you’re interested in exploring online business ideas, ecommerce can be the perfect way to go. Selling online looks a bit different for everyone. With so many different platforms, products and business models to choose from, there’s no shortage of ecommerce business ideas out there. More and more people are buying products online, from everyday…

Your Roku Is an Ad Factory

Photo: Alex Cranz (Gizmodo)Everybody loves a Roku. Starting at $30, these little widgets turn any TV into a smart TV and offer pretty much any streaming channels you’d ever want in one place. You’ll also see a lot of ads thanks to your Roku device. If you have a TV running on the Roku operating…

Video Marketing Strategy: The Power of Video During the Customer Journey

Want to use video marketing more effectively? Looking for a proven video strategy? To explore how to develop an effective video marketing strategy, I interview Ben Amos on the Social Media Marketing Podcast. Ben is a video marketing expert and host of the Engage Video Marketing Podcast. He coaches video marketers and video producers and…

Marketplaces 2019: B2B Ecommerce Strategies for Amazon, Alibaba and Others

At Business Insider Intelligence, our mission is to bring you the most important insights, data and analysis from the digital world. So when we come across outstanding research from our partners that we think our audience can benefit from, we like to make sure you hear about it. That’s why we’re giving you a preview of…

Venture capitalists ‘like and subscribe’ to influencers

Danielle Bernstein is just 27 years old, but she’s been running her own business for 10 years. First it was street-style photography, then came the launch of her popular fashion blog WeWoreWhat. Next she took to Instagram, a new social media platform that quickly became the most effective tool in a blogger’s toolkit. With new…

8th Wall’s new Cloud Editor helps customers quickly build mobile AR experiences

The world of phone-based AR has involved a lot of promises, but the future that’s developed has so far been more iterative and less platform shift-y. For startups exclusively focused on mobile AR, there’s been some soul-searching to find ways to bring more lightweight experiences to life that don’t require as much friction or commitment…

4 Ways to Create Content Your Digital Audience Can’t Help But Consume

Create content that gives people what they want. Here’s how. Image credit: Hero Images | Getty Images Tom Popomaronis Guest Writer Vice President, Innovation at Massive Alliance October 30, 2019 5 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. These days, regardless of what industry you’re in, the best way to reach your…

These are the top 10 brands in the world in 2019. Facebook isn’t one of them.

el_cigarrito/ShutterstockInterbrand, a brand consultancy firm, ranked the world’s biggest companies.They based the ranking on brand strength now, how the brand wants to improve in the future, and what value does it add to the company. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft were some of the leading brands to consumers, while Facebook fell out of the top 10.…

Discover the secret to successful ad campaigns in this complete training

TLDR: Get inside tips on scoring big on three of the world’s biggest ad platforms with this $78.99 Complete Digital Advertising Super Bundle. If you put an ad in your local newspaper or on television, you understand enough about newspaper circulation and TV ratings to get a general idea of how many people your ad…

The Three Key Elements of Influential Digital Marketing

Ever see a numbered headline like the one above and try to guess what the three things are? Sometimes it’s easy; sometimes it’s not. In this case, you could be thinking I’m going to talk about content, copy, and email. And while you’re right that those things are important, that’s not what this article is…

Uber makes more cuts to self-driving and Eats teams

Uber is making a third round of staff cuts this year, according to a company-wide email from CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, which was first reported by CNBC. The company is laying off about 350 employees, or around 1.5 percent of its workforce, with cuts affecting the self-driving and Uber Eats teams, among others. An undisclosed number…

Why Discoverability Needs to Be an SEO Focus with Garrett Mehrguth [PODCAST]

Podcast: DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | RSSFor episode 170 of The Search Engine Journal Show, I had the opportunity to interview Garrett Mehrguth, CEO at Directive, enterprise search marketing agency.Mehrguth talks about the importance of focusing on your brand being discoverable for SEO and challenges some of the traditional sales funnel models.Why is focusing specifically…

Open Channel: Let’s Talk About the Big Social Media News of the Month

Photo: Getty ImagesIt’s been an absolutely bonkers month for social media companies like Facebook and Twitter, with Facebook admitting that it allows politicians to lie in ads on the platform and Twitter opening the floodgates to show users more ads than ever. Just yesterday, Twitter even announced that it was banning all political ads, something that…

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