The Ultimate Guide to An Effective Instagram Marketing Strategy

If you’ve read any of the statistics about the success of Instagram marketing, you’re likely looking for ways to get started. Instagram is an incredible marketing tool that can help you establish a brand identity, grow your customer base, and increase sales. Before you jump in, it’s essential to create an effective Instagram marketing strategy, … Read more

How to do market research: The complete guide for your brand

How to do market research: The complete guide for your brand

Blindly putting out content or products and hoping for the best is a thing of the past. Not only is it a waste of time and energy, but you’re wasting valuable marketing dollars in the process. Now you have a wealth of tools and data at your disposal, allowing you to develop data-driven marketing strategies. … Read more

LinkedIn Company Pages: The Ultimate Guide [+ 12 Best Practices]

LinkedIn Company Pages: The Ultimate Guide [+ 12 Best Practices]

LinkedIn Pages allow users to discover, follow, and find new roles at their favorite businesses. But they’re not just useful for job seekers and professionals. If you own a business, organization, or other institution, you can use LinkedIn Company Pages to connect with your audience and strengthen your brand image. A lot happens on LinkedIn. … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Freelancing

The Ultimate Guide to Freelancing

Independence, flexibility, and unlimited financial potential — these are all inviting parts of a freelancing lifestyle. This is especially attractive for employees who want more from their workplace. But, there’s still some mystery surrounding the enigmatic career choice. As a freelancer, how do you make money? Where do you find work or jobs? How do … Read more

A Detailed Guide About Maximizing Your Advertising Strategy With Yahoo Ad Tech

Yahoo Ad Tech

Yahoo Ad Tech is a digital online advertising platform that helps you reach your online audience across every screen. With its DSP and SSP solutions, it provides an easy way to create meaningful connections across advertising, search, and media. It can help you manage campaigns, track performance and optimize your reach. So, if you are … Read more

Brand identity: the ultimate guide to building a successful brand

Brand identity: the ultimate guide to building a successful brand

The sooner you cement your brand identity, the better. There’s a reason why brand awareness is still the top goal for many marketers. Because social media is only getting more competitive and crowded. Attention is invaluable as your audience gets pulled in a million directions and getting more eyes on your company means being memorable. … Read more

The complete guide to chatbots for marketing

The complete guide to chatbots for marketing

Chatbots for marketing can maximize efficiency in your customer care strategy by increasing engagement and reducing friction in the customer journey, from customer acquisition to retention. Instead of dedicating your team’s time to answering all incoming customer queries, chatbots can automate many activities, such as responses to frequently asked questions or gathering customer feedback. This … Read more

A Step-By-Step Guide For Building A Fintech Mobile App

Fintech Mobile App

Any aspect of finance and technology that combines the two is referred to as fintech, including budgeting software and online platforms for money transfers. Fintech is now so pervasive that I can almost guarantee you use it more often than you realize. We use virtual cards on our smartphones to make purchases, withdraw money from … Read more

YouTube SEO Guide to Grow Your Channel and Business

Video phone graphic with search bar.

YouTube is a search engine, plain and simple. Yes, it can provide hours of entertainment, information, and art, but YouTube is designed by the same kings of search that own it–Google. That’s why you need YouTube SEO frameworks to make a video that’s worth a watch. Uploading a video to your channel and crossing your … Read more

How to Craft a Brand Manifesto [Guide + 10 Examples]

How to Craft a Brand Manifesto [Guide + 10 Examples]

To inspire your audience to be loyal to your brand, you need to have a core message that focuses on your brand’s purpose and shows why your brand is worth following. To do this, you’ll need to craft a brand manifesto that expresses your brand’s values. A compelling brand manifesto will appeal to your audience’s … Read more

A Comprehensive Guide to LinkedIn Sponsored Updates

A Comprehensive Guide to LinkedIn Sponsored Updates

Although often underrated or reduced to a “networking platform,” LinkedIn has the potential to help you drive traffic to your website, increase brand awareness, and boost your revenue. How? Through LinkedIn sponsored updates or ads. In this comprehensive guide to LinkedIn sponsored updates, we’ll tackle the big questions — what are LinkedIn sponsored updates, how … Read more

The Beginner's Guide to Brand Pillars

The Beginner's Guide to Brand Pillars

Marketing and branding have been around for centuries. But brand pillars are a newer idea. Since the dawn of the digital age, companies have marketed their brands with the goal of giving their company a personality and identity. But as the practice of branding has evolved, so have audience expectations. Businesses today need more than … Read more

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