Empowering Employees to Build Their Personal Brands on LinkedIn (+ Why You Should)

Empowering Employees to Build Their Personal Brands on LinkedIn (+ Why You Should)

Many of the companies generating buzz on social media right now likely all have something in common: it’s not just their brand accounts posting great content, but their employees too. That’s particularly true for businesses and employees active on LinkedIn. According to the network-building platform, content posted by employees is seen as three times more … Read more

Top Reasons To Outsource Your Linkedin Advertising

Top Reasons To Outsource Your Linkedin Advertising

LinkedIn, the professional networking powerhouse, presents a golden opportunity for businesses to connect with their target audience, build brand authority, and generate leads. Amid the complexities of modern digital marketing, outsourcing your LinkedIn advertising can be a strategic move that saves time and resources and yields exceptional results. Here are the top reasons why LinkedIn … Read more

How to Use LinkedIn Newsletters to Grow Your Business or Personal Brand

Linkedin newsletter graphic

You’ve made your LinkedIn account, you’ve posted a couple of thought-provoking pieces, and now you’re wondering what your next step is. Sure, you can add another article post to your page, but with minimal followers, it feels a little hollow. “How, oh great LinkedIn gods, can I gain a larger audience?” you cry, sinking to … Read more

How to Advertise on LinkedIn (+Research, Expert Tips)

How to Advertise on LinkedIn (+Research, Expert Tips)

LinkedIn is a highly valuable tool for networking with like-minded professionals. But here’s something we don’t talk about as much as we should: LinkedIn is also a useful inbound marketing platform. It might seem a little bit intimidating. You have enough on your plate; do you really need to figure out another way to create … Read more

How to Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to Grow Your Consultancy or Agency Business

Linkedin thumbs up

You’ve managed to create your ideal business (sounds like congratulations are in order!). Everything is set up perfectly. Your website is like a shiny new car in the driveway, just waiting for you to take it for a spin. You sit back, waiting for potential clients to come swarming in, blown away by your professionalism, … Read more

What to Post on LinkedIn: Capture Attention, Convert Leads

Linkedin emojis for posts

While LinkedIn is a professional social network, it doesn’t mean you have to be boring. There’s a difference between “being professional” and “being a snoozefest”. And the platform has adapted significantly since its launch, to the point that when you crack it, it’s a fantastic option for promoting your services, building your brand, and acquiring … Read more

Is It Worth It To Pay For LinkedIn Premium? Completed Information

Is It Worth It To Pay For LinkedIn Premium? Completed Information

Unlike any other social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, or even Twitter, LinkedIn is very different and, at the same time, is quite purpose-driven. LinkedIn is centered around the professional world as a professional social network platform.  If you have entered the professional world, then it would be crucial for you to have a … Read more

LinkedIn Rolls Out New Features To Enhance Newsletters

LinkedIn Rolls Out New Features To Enhance Newsletters

LinkedIn has announced several new features to improve the newsletter experience for creators and readers. These updates come as LinkedIn has seen newsletters grow exponentially in popularity over the past year. LinkedIn states in its announcement: “Newsletter readership has tripled over the past year, now with more than 1.3 million daily readers.” LinkedIn is rolling … Read more

How to Become a LinkedIn Creator

How to Become a LinkedIn Creator

The LinkedIn team, referred to as “unlikely champions of creativity” by the Creative Review, have turned their focus to creators in recent years. Features like Creator Mode and LinkedIn Top Voices have made the platform a destination for many looking to grow their personal and business brands. Creators like Justin Welsh have seen massive success … Read more

How Does The LinkedIn Algorithm Work in 2023?

How LinkedIn’s Algorithm Works in 2023, According to The LinkedIn Team

LinkedIn’s algorithm has always been a bit of a mystery – until now. The algorithm recently underwent some key changes, and the team (through Dan Roth, editor-in-chief, and Alice Xiong, a product management director) sat down with Entrepreneur to explain them. In this article, we’ll highlight the key points from the team’s interview about the … Read more

Can A Linkedin Scraping Tool Help You Get Your Dream Job

Can A Linkedin Scraping Tool Help You Get Your Dream Job

In today’s world, social media has become an essential tool for job seekers to showcase their skills, connect with potential employers, and find job opportunities. Among the various social media platforms, LinkedIn has emerged as the go-to platform for job seekers and recruiters alike. With over 700 million users and 55 million registered companies, LinkedIn … Read more

LinkedIn Reveals AI Image Hunter That Catches Fake Profiles

LinkedIn Reveals AI Image Hunter That Catches Fake Profiles

LinkedIn has developed a new AI image detector that is claimed to be able to catch 99.6% of fake profile images, with a 1% false positive rate. According to anecdotal evidence, their new detector actually works. Fake LinkedIn Profiles There are many reasons why people create fake LinkedIn profiles. For some members of the affiliate … Read more

LinkedIn Unveils Messaging Inbox For Company Pages

LinkedIn Unveils Messaging Inbox For Company Pages

In a significant step towards reinforcing direct corporate-client interaction, LinkedIn is launching a messaging inbox for company pages. This will allow businesses to send and receive direct messages (DMs), fostering an immediate line of communication. The rollout coincides with a global shift in business priorities, with a heightened focus on brand building and attracting new … Read more

The Ideal Length for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn Posts

The Ideal Length for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn Posts

When it comes to writing text for your blog and social media posts, many marketers wonder, “But what’s the character limit?” It’s never a simple question — sometimes, it’s answered by parameters established by certain channels. And on other occasions, it’s more a question of what’s ideal. For example, you probably know the character limit … Read more

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