How Does Google Multisearch Affect SEO?

How Does Google Multisearch Affect SEO?

Google’s John Mueller answered the question of how Google’s new Google Lens multisearch affects SEO. How Google Lens multisearch affects the practice of optimizing for search engines is a good question and John provided a thoughtful answer. John Mueller Discussing SEO and Multisearch Google Multisearch Google Lens is an app that’s available for both Android … Read more

Google Answers if Meta Description Matters for Rankings

Google Answers if Meta Description Matters for Rankings

Google’s John Mueller answered the question about whether a meta description can be used to influence the search rankings. It’s a good question because Google advises to use unique meta descriptions on web pages. So there is some kind of influence but is that influence related to rankings? John Mueller answers that question. Meta Element … Read more

How To Remove Common SEO Obstacles With Search Engine Modeling

How To Remove Common SEO Obstacles With Search Engine Modeling

Wish you could see exactly how website changes will impact your rankings in search before they go live? Hoping that your leadership will understand the importance of your proposed SEO strategy? When it comes to implementing a successful search engine marketing strategy, there are a lot of obstacles that SEO professionals must overcome. These challenges … Read more

Google Deprecates Some Image and Video Sitemap Extensions

Google Deprecates Some Image and Video Sitemap Extensions

Google announced that it is discontinuing the use of several image and video sitemap extensions. Google stated they decided to sunset the use of these sitemap extensions after evaluating the value of the tags. The deprecated tags and attributes will have no effect after August 6, 2022. Google announced that the documentation for the removed … Read more

Keyword Research: How to Do It, Tips, Tools & Examples

keyword research 700x417 - Keyword Research: How to Do It, Tips, Tools & Examples

68 percent of online activity begins with queries in search engines like Google or Bing. That’s why keyword research should be the basis of any online marketing campaign. The goal of keyword research is to find out what your target audience is searching for online and determine what it will take to actually rank in … Read more

Get Content Crawled & Ranked Faster: 5 Expert Tips [Webinar]

Get Content Crawled & Ranked Faster: 5 Expert Tips [Webinar]

Want to rank faster and get more visibility for your written content? Would you like to know what’s slowing everything down? By understanding how your content gets seen and crawled by Google, you can create naturally higher-ranking pages, blogs, and other content. By seeing your content as Google sees it, you can easily determine how … Read more

What Structured Data to Use and Where to Use it?

What Structured Data to Use and Where to Use it?

Google’s John Mueller answered two questions about structured data. While the first question was specifically about the medical niche, his answer is useful and applicable to websites in any niche. Mueller also explained how to use the Google Developer Help Pages to figure out which structured data is best to use. How to Choose Structured … Read more

Where To Invest In SEO For Maximum Impact

Where To Invest In SEO For Maximum Impact

You’re a savvy marketer. You know the importance of changing with the times, adopting new technology, and taking advantage of new opportunities. So, it’s no surprise you’ve recognized the importance of search engine optimization (SEO). After all, SEO is on an epic rise and helping businesses of all types find new customers. And, if you’re … Read more

Google Patent for Modifying Results Based on Generic Ratings

Google Patent for Modifying Results Based on Generic Ratings

Bill Slawski recently called attention to a patent that describes a way to apply generic ratings to content as part of a process of modifying search results.  The patent applies to search results, media content, books, websites and games and describes a way to show modified search results where some of the results are blocked … Read more

The Top 10 Most Important Factors for SEO Success


There is no doubt that SEO is one of the most important factors for a website’s success.  What Is SEO?  In case you were not already aware, SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of improving the ranking of a website on search engines. This can be done by optimizing the structure, on-page elements, … Read more

How To Harness First-Party Data & Win In A Cookieless Future

How To Harness First-Party Data & Win In A Cookieless Future

How prepared is your organization for the imminent loss of third-party data? Are you ready for first-party data to take center stage in your marketing strategy? Maybe you’re feeling unsure of how to use first-party data? While cookies going away will reduce your access to third-party data, you can still strike the right balance with … Read more

Technical Issues Usually Not a Trigger for Core Update Problems

Technical Issues Usually Not a Trigger for Core Update Problems

Google’s John Mueller affirmed that technical issues don’t generally cause a ranking loss after a core update. Mueller said that core update ranking problems are more associated with quality issues and offered examples of the kinds of perceived quality issues that a core update isn’t sensitive too. Overhauled Website Just Prior to Core Update The … Read more

Off-page Seo: What Is It & How Can You Take Advantage of It

off page SEO 700x418 - Off-page Seo: What Is It & How Can You Take Advantage of It

As smart bloggers and content marketers, we usually start with on-page SEO. However, one of the most important Google ranking factors isn’t found on your page at all. Rather, it’s backlinks from other websites pointing towards your site. The top results on Google have an average of 3.8x more backlinks than the results that appear … Read more

How Product Information Management (PIM) Helps

How Product Information Management (PIM) Helps

Growing regional/national to major international brands have a lot of questions about product description page (PDP) optimization. How much can be automated? Does it matter if some of them have duplication? What do we do with variable products that exist on a single URL? Can I use manufacturer-provided product descriptions? The problems with product descriptions … Read more

Tips For Writing Unique Meta Titles At Enterprise Scale

Tips For Writing Unique Meta Titles At Enterprise Scale

Meta titles are nothing new to the world of SEO. We need them because crafting interesting titles can improve clicks and sales. They help readers and search engines alike understand what the page is about, and are factored into Google’s ranking algorithms. Even new website owners are working on their titles for these reasons. However, … Read more

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