Do Links from Guest Posts Even Work?

DO LINKS FROM GUEST POSTS WORK 2 700x394 - Do Links from Guest Posts Even Work?

It’s frowned upon to build links through guest posts. If you do, they should be nofollowed and ideally, you should be guest posting for brand awareness and referral traffic. Even though that’s what I follow, it doesn’t mean others do. Plus, I get hundreds of emails a day asking me if I accept guest posts, … Read more

Do Small Sites Have A Chance Anymore?

Do Small Sites Have A Chance Anymore?

John Mueller was asked if the search results are stacked against small sites, creating a situation that gives an advantage to large companies. Mueller acknowledged that big companies are hard to compete with. But he also showed how advantage isn’t exclusive to how big a company is. As you will see, big sites have disadvantages … Read more

Top 17 SEO Podcasts For 2022

Top 17 SEO Podcasts For 2022

Podcasts are a great way to keep up with the latest events in SEO. It’s a fast-moving space involving a wide range of activities, which is reflected in these top SEO podcasts chosen for 2022. In addition to on-page optimization, SEO in 2022 is about content, AI, analytics, CMS, enterprise-level solutions, and avoiding burnout. A … Read more

Is Google’s MUM A Search Ranking Factor?

Is Google’s MUM A Search Ranking Factor?

At Google I/O earlier last year, Google announced that it’s exploring a new technology called MUM (Multitask Unified Model) internally to help its ranking systems better understand language. Dubbed “a new AI milestone for understanding information,” MUM is designed to make it easier for Google to answer complex needs in search. Google promised MUM is … Read more

What You Need To Know

What You Need To Know

Mobile devices now account for over half of all searches on the web, though desktop reigned supreme throughout much of the internet’s short history. As smartphones became more ubiquitous, mobile search grew and Google had to reevaluate its approach to ranking mobile-friendly sites. This led to an event that’s become known in the SEO community … Read more

Winning the Page Speed Race

Winning the Page Speed Race

Winning the page speed race requires the same things as winning a car race: making sure that your vehicle is as lightweight as possible, as powerful as possible, and that you navigate the racetrack as efficiently as possible. Source link

Google On The SEO Impact Of Dates In Title Tags

Google On The SEO Impact Of Dates In Title Tags

Google’s Search Advocate John Mueller addresses whether including publishing dates in webpage title tags has any impact as far as SEO is concerned. This topic is discussed during a recent Google Search Central SEO office-hours hangout. An SEO professional, who’s working on a website that reports on currencies, asks Mueller if he should include dates … Read more

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