More Search Console Insights Added to Google Data Studio

More Search Console Insights Added to Google Data Studio

Additional data from Search Console is now available through the Google Data Studio connector, allowing users to visualize traffic from more Google sources. This update is announced by Google Search Advocate Daniel Waisberg in his second post of a blog series related to Data Studio & Search Console. In case you missed it, his first … Read more

New Google Algorithm Update Aimed At Product Reviews

New Google Algorithm Update Aimed At Product Reviews

Google launches a third product review algorithm update in search results, which builds off of the product review updates introduced last year. The first product review algorithm update, which is designed to reward content with first-hand research, went live in April 2021. A second product review update followed in December. Today’s update continues Google’s efforts … Read more

How Google Ranks Pages With Abbreviations

How Google Ranks Pages With Abbreviations

Google’s John Mueller answered a question about how Google’s algorithm handles abbreviations. John answered the question in depth, explaining how these are essentially synonyms and that Google doesn’t do anything particularly special with abbreviations. How Does Google Handle Abbreviations? The person asking a question wanted to know how Google handled abbreviations such as “eg” which … Read more

Are Relevance, Distance, & Prominence Google Ranking Factors?

Are Relevance, Distance, & Prominence Google Ranking Factors?

Local businesses that want more traffic from search must improve their local rankings. But can prominence, distance, and relevance affect your organic search rankings? Read on to learn whether there is any connection between prominence, distance, and relevance, and improved Google rankings. The Claim: Relevance, Distance, And Prominence Are Ranking Factors What are relevance, distance, … Read more

Google Search Results and Synonyms

Google Search Results and Synonyms

John Mueller answered a question about why a site that ranked for one keyword phrase didn’t rank for what they said was a synonym for the same phrase. John answered the question in general terms, explaining how what’s important is the full context of the search query. Synonyms and Search Results Before Google Hummingbird Google … Read more

Are Reconsideration Requests A Google Ranking Factor?

Are Reconsideration Requests A Google Ranking Factor?

Reconsideration requests are indirectly related to search rankings, as they’re an essential step in the process of recovering from a Google manual penalty. They make the difference between a site getting reinstated in search results or remaining deindexed. Reconsideration requests play an important role in SEO when rankings are manually held down by Google, but … Read more

Google May Surface More Short-Form Video In Search Results

Google May Surface More Short-Form Video In Search Results

Google is working on ways to show more short-form video in search results, saying it’s a clear and concise format for satisfying certain queries. This was stated in latest Search Off The Record podcast episode by Google Product Manager Danielle Marshak, who oversees videos in search results. Marshak is joined by Gary Illyes and Lizzi … Read more

How Google Search Console Tracks ‘People Also Ask’ Performance Data

How Google Search Console Tracks ‘People Also Ask’ Performance Data

Google clarifies how performance data for pages in the ‘people also ask’ section is measured in Search Console – such as clicks, impressions, and positions. This topic is discussed during a recent Google Search Central SEO office-hours hangout. An individual named Aakash Singh joins the livestream to ask how Google Search Console tracks data for … Read more

Is It A Google Ranking Factor?

Is It A Google Ranking Factor?

When you register a domain, the registrar has your identifying information. However, you can choose domain privacy protection if you don’t want the names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. of website contacts listed in WhoIs for all the world to see. There are plenty of legitimate reasons people want to protect their privacy online. But does … Read more

Google Page Experience Update – Desktop Rollout Complete

Google Page Experience Update - Desktop Rollout Complete

Google confirms the page experience update finished rolling out to desktop search results. Now it’s time to assess the impact. The update started rolling out on desktop on February 22, making it a nine-day rollout concluding on March 3. By comparison, the launch of the page experience update on mobile took two and a half … Read more

Google Search Trends Show How Customer Expectations Are Changing

Google Search Trends Show How Customer Expectations Are Changing

A new report from Google contains data on how customer expectations are changing, and reveals what people want from businesses this year. Based on a comparison of search volume from 2021 to 2022, trends indicate that customers want things both sooner and later. If customers are out shopping in person then they want the ability … Read more

Are Title Tags A Google Ranking Factor?

Are Title Tags A Google Ranking Factor?

As the most visible component of Google’s search results pages (SERPs), page titles are thought to carry significant weight as a ranking factor. Is it possible to overvalue the impact of your title tags when it comes to improving search rankings? There’s little doubt Google’s algorithm takes page titles into consideration. The questions around page … Read more

How Google Search Ranking Works – Darwinism in Search

How Google Universal Search Ranking Works – Darwinism In Search

The secrets behind the Google algorithm and its ranking factors have been the subject of heated debate for almost a quarter of a century. For most of that time, the results were just 10 blue links, and the debate focused on inbound links and keyword density. From the vantage point of 2022, and with hindsight … Read more

How Google Universal Search Ranking Works – Darwinism In Search

How Google Universal Search Ranking Works – Darwinism In Search

The secrets behind the Google algorithm and its ranking factors have been the subject of heated debate for almost a quarter of a century. For most of that time, the results were just 10 blue links, and the debate focused on inbound links and keyword density. From the vantage point of 2022, and with hindsight … Read more

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